United States
The last firmware upgrade seems to have a negative impact on many users. The commonality of our flight rig/kit/build likely ends with the firmware. Beyond that, the user defined variables or set ups are exponentially different between every user i.e. Tablet>brand>version>Google services on or off, hardware blah blah etc... The "broken" firmware was simply a version that didn't have a tolerance for all the variables, and that is largely the fault of DJI. I have messed with my set up enough now to bring my P3P back to where it was pre 1.2.6. I am looking forward to a new FW, but I am flying comfortably today.
Putting two seemingly identical rigs side by side..... I do it all the time. A friend bought his P3P the same minute I bought mine, and we both went to BestBuy and purchased the DJI approved Nexus 9 tables, Lollipop 5.1.1.Our flight experiences were identical and flawless out of the box, FW 1.1.9. We both suffered horrible lag after 1.1.26. We have both tweaked our configs, but still both have profoundly different flight experiences from one flight to the next. "Oh, don't disable GP services, just roll it back but keep it enabled...." What works for me works for him, until one of us undoes our did. Thinking about changing my avatar name to ButWhatIf.
Sucks that many of us have to work so hard to keep enjoying a safe and comfortable flight, but my tweaks, based on forum advice and trial and error have paid off. I liked the P3P I received and flew on 1.1.9 far more than my current 1.1.26, but I am certain there are far more out there that have never experienced any issues on ANY of the FW they have used, they just have a default rig that tolerated the newer FW.
Some crashes have proven to be hardware related, such as faulty accelorometers. Many other crashes are self admitted pilot error. The rush to blame DJI for pilot-error crashes makes it tough for the legit claims to fairly handled. Crashes are embarrassing. Embarrassment often turns to anger. It is sorta natural for someone to be angry when they crack up a new P3, but miss placed blame hurts the confidence level of a learning community.
My summary is, the current firmware is not fully compatible with my P3P, but I have gotten it close. I am eager for a solid version to replace the current. DJI has to get it right this time.
Anyhow, It is 75 and sunny in beautiful midtown Anchorage, Alaska. I have 4 charged batteries and I am going to go out and practice ATTI, so I am better prepared if/when my P3P gets wonky. |