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Stop with the firmware upgrade complaints
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

lets see,
All p3p or p3a are using same circuit boards, chips, gps, processor, ram,bios, software, etc. so how can a firmware upgrade work great on some and not on others? Now a mechanical failure such as motors is quite possible. Don't get me wrong I understand that firmware upgrades can fail during the process.
Let me see if I can articulate this any better, let's take 2 p3 and we update firmware on both successfully. The same person flies both. How can the updated firmware work good on one and cause all the problems I ve been reading on the other???
Could it be that 99% of crashes that are said to be the fault of firmware are actually user error?
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United States

rayrokni, the boy who kicked the hornet's nest.  lol
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

HunterBrooks Posted at 2015-8-2 00:09
rayrokni, the boy who kicked the hornet's nest.  lol

Well it gets tiring to hear bs. Look I crashed my p3p within 2 days due to having done CSC inadvertently, I blame myself for not reading enough. I don't blame firmware or Dji, I still say a better way could be utilized to kill motors instead of using flight controllers but I am not the engineer so if I purchased from Dji then I put up with their ideas just like anything else we buy,
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Flight distance : 1298317 ft
United States

rayrokni Posted at 2015-8-2 00:22
Well it gets tiring to hear bs. Look I crashed my p3p within 2 days due to having done CSC inadver ...

My vps doesn't, work. I haven't crashed. DJI acknowledges an issue with it. I'm tired of the firmware posts also but I am exhausted with having a product that doesn't function as it should. I paid for VPS and want it back. It worked with prior fw but now does not. There have been many days since they admitted there is a FW issue and that they are actively working to remedy. All the while, newbys are getting their P3s in, crashing them, and having the excuse that the FW caused it. If i were DJI, i would have been all over this! I have had some close calls but avoided a crash. BTW, I wouldn't have posted this if you hadn't posted that you are tired of complaints.
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Flight distance : 11549 ft
United States

I suspect the components in the later manufactured units are slightly different,  I am surmising that the popularity of the P3A and the P3P far outstripped DJI's expectations as far as demand is concerned. In the process of speeding up production along with additional pressure from management, some corners might have been cut as far as Quality Control during assembly and a few components purchase from a different supplier or two who fudged a a little on the specifications in order to supply DJI.   I propose to see if the most of the issues popped up in a specific serial number range of the units. I will put my serial number up here once someone tells me which of the many numbers on my P3P is the serial number.  Perhaps we can narrow down the serial number range of our fellow members that are having issues.
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United States

CaveDrone Posted at 2015-8-2 01:04
I suspect the components in the later manufactured units are slightly different,  I am surmising tha ...

Hey CaveDrone, I actually did that exact same thing a few months ago.  My P3P is working perfectly.  I got it April 30th, so probably one of the first production runs.  I posted photos of all those numbers in an effort that DJI might be able to use that information to see what initially worked.

I never really heard anything, so either they used the information or they didn't.  But like you, at least I offered it up.

Here's the original post ....

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Flight distance : 53458 ft
United States

OK, since there are no 'stupid' questions - how do I find the info on my firmware (P3P)? My controller flashes that I should upgrade my firmware, but hey, it's never missed a beat, flies perfectly - so...
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Flight distance : 685089 ft
United States

Problem is there is no responsibility for the user anymore... Heck they are teaching out kids in school that everyone is a winner and there are no loser... With this how any it be anybody's fault?
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Willie Wonka
United States

Has anyone tried reseating connections from board to board and then torqe  check all screws on a regular basis ? I DO that on a weekly maintenance basis........
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Flight distance : 2061453 ft
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United States

But they're not all 100% equal.  Different production runs often use different components, layouts, changes, etc.

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Willie Wonka
United States

dji.blitzk Posted at 2015-8-2 02:23
But they're not all 100% equal.  Different production runs often use different components, layouts,  ...

So that means no firmware upgrade would fix anything, SO if anyone has problem with there phantom they should RETURN it right away for repair or replacement before they crash and loose everything, and stop with the whining already!

If yours is not working 100% with the latest firmware then Log a support ticket and get it over with already.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

rayrokni Posted at 2015-8-2 00:22
Well it gets tiring to hear bs. Look I crashed my p3p within 2 days due to having done CSC inadver ...

To some degree I both sympathize with you and agree with you. But....

Is it possible that the lack of a firmware update sends an even louder message? What is there about what's going on (or not going on as the case may be) that makes the gurus at DJI not absolutely certain about what problem(s) they're addressing?

I am also convinced that many crashes are pilot error. Many of those crashes are self-confessed pilot errors while with many others - provided adequate video, pilot logs, etc. - the stories prove to be controversial and often imply pilot error as well.

DJI undoubtedly knows how many crashes they've examined that apparently are NOT due to pilot error. Barring a "slip of the lips" from someone deep inside DJI, we may never know. But, in my heart, my personal fear is that they're still scratching their heads. Something is terribly wrong and they either (a) don't know exactly what's the cause and/or (b) they've got some bad hardware and can't isolate what it is and correct it.

Maybe we're just expecting miracles. The Phantom 3 is the first DJI product I've owned. But I see a lot of posts (not only on this forum, but on other forums as well) that complain about DJI - going back to both the Phantom and the Phantom 2. It appears that a lot of the whiz-bang stuff that many users want (POI and waypoints are just a couple of features) was actually provided by 3rd part developers.

We're hearing darned little from just about any of the 3rd party developers - as far as the P3 is concerned. One note of interest was a comment some three or four weeks ago. One of the 3rd party guys posted something about "...shutting off..." the SDK. I know enough about software to be dangerous, but the message didn't sound promising.

Again, maybe we're expecting too much. There were several Pilot app upgrades and several firmware updates in a relatively quick period. Perhaps we thought that was the norm. Perhaps what we're seeing now (or, again, not seeing) is really the norm.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 52303 ft

dji.blitzk Posted at 2015-8-2 02:23
But they're not all 100% equal.  Different production runs often use different components, layouts,  ...

So does that mean the next firmware upgrade designed to 'fix' the issues that some now have could break my P3A that is working fine with the latest firmware?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 52303 ft

Willie Wonka Posted at 2015-8-2 02:10
Has anyone tried reseating connections from board to board and then torqe  check all screws on a reg ...

I check the torque on the screws for sure. No cracking issues so far. Only checked the cables once after a few flights.  They were good so I will probably just check every dozen flights or so.
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United States

The last firmware upgrade seems to have a negative impact on many users.  The commonality of  our flight rig/kit/build likely ends with the firmware.  Beyond that, the user defined variables or set ups are exponentially different between every user i.e.  Tablet>brand>version>Google services on or off, hardware blah blah etc... The "broken" firmware was simply a version that didn't have a tolerance for all the variables, and that is largely the fault of DJI.  I have messed with my set up enough now to bring my P3P back to where it was pre 1.2.6.  I am looking forward to a new FW, but I am flying comfortably today.

Putting two seemingly identical rigs side by side..... I do it all the time.  A friend bought his P3P the same minute I bought mine, and we both went to BestBuy and purchased the DJI approved Nexus 9 tables, Lollipop 5.1.1.Our flight experiences were identical and flawless out of the box, FW 1.1.9.  We both suffered horrible lag after 1.1.26.  We have both tweaked our configs, but still both have profoundly different flight experiences from one flight to the next. "Oh, don't disable GP services, just roll it back but keep it enabled...."  What works for me works for him, until one of us undoes our did.  Thinking about changing my avatar name to ButWhatIf.

Sucks that many of us have to work so hard to keep enjoying a safe and comfortable flight, but my tweaks, based on forum advice and trial and error have paid off.  I liked the P3P I received and flew on 1.1.9 far more than my current 1.1.26, but I am certain there are far more out there that have never experienced any issues on ANY of the FW they have used, they just have a default rig that tolerated the newer FW.  

Some crashes have proven to be hardware related, such as faulty accelorometers.  Many other  crashes are self admitted pilot error.  The rush to blame DJI for pilot-error crashes makes it tough for the legit claims to fairly handled.  Crashes are embarrassing. Embarrassment often turns to anger.  It is sorta natural for someone to be angry when they crack up a new P3, but miss placed blame hurts the confidence level of a learning community.  

My summary is, the current firmware is not fully compatible with my P3P, but I have gotten it close.  I am eager for a solid version to replace the current.  DJI has to get it right this time.  

Anyhow, It is 75 and sunny in beautiful midtown Anchorage, Alaska.  I have 4 charged batteries and I am going to go out and practice ATTI, so I am better prepared if/when my P3P gets wonky.
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Flight distance : 922 ft
United States

Fair question.  Hit the link:

Maybe you can explain what happened.  I certainly can't.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

jimcloud74@yaho Posted at 2015-8-2 00:53
My vps doesn't, work. I haven't crashed. DJI acknowledges an issue with it. I'm tired of the firmw ...

I'm tired of unfair complaints, when it is users fault, as was mine, and then as u say jam up Dji with unfair claims that it was firmware.
I just want to understand how the firmware works fine on one p3 for example with the vps as it does in mine but not on yours, assuming Dji uses same parts on all their p3p.

Btw, I see I'm complaining about complaining, lol
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

PhantomAtAK Posted at 2015-8-2 03:55
The last firmware upgrade seems to have a negative impact on many users.  The commonality of  our fl ...

My advice is don't upgrade firmware if all is working good, just like any computer, bios, software. The only time I would upgrade is if there is a new feature in an update that I must absolutely have, or I am forced to by the software which doesn't happen! And before I do a firmware update I would make sure I have a copy of previous firmware and the software to be able to erase new one in order to roll back!!
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My problem is that it will not update...

I'm completely new as well.
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Flight distance : 2061453 ft
  • >>>
United States

Rigworker Posted at 2015-8-2 02:41
So does that mean the next firmware upgrade designed to 'fix' the issues that some now have could  ...

I guess in theory, yes.  But DJI does (I'm sure) try to test it to the best of their ability before releasing new firmware.... which is probably why it's taking so long for them to fix the current issues that many are having.

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Flight distance : 14495 ft

- VPS errors did cause several crashes.
So I turned my of even if I purchased a product with this feature.
- Camera issues with Tilted horizons
- Sudden unknown errors that cause the camera card reader to cause no FPV signal
I know this one cause they replaced mine P3P due to this.

This is just a few good reasons to get a FW that could solve the issues.

DJI have replaced loads of P3´s after checking telemetry data - believe me  -they would´t replace user errors.

- Good to hear that your P3P is in perfect working order -as was mine until weird things started occurring.

- Learn to fly in ATTI mode - don´t trust the auto features.
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Second Officer
  • >>>

rayrokni Posted at 2015-8-2 05:13
My advice is don't upgrade firmware if all is working good, just like any computer, bios, software ...

Some of us have had previous Phantoms, and know all too well the update problems. l bought my P2V3 in the middle of the 3.10 FW fiasco. Luckily mine came with 3.08 so l avoided that one, but l learned the lesson not to update something that is working perfectly until the dust settles. Sometimes the dust never settles, so l'm still at 1.1.6.
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United States

I agree
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United States

rayrokni Posted at 2015-8-2 04:12
I'm tired of unfair complaints, when it is users fault, as was mine, and then as u say jam up Dji  ...

I fly P2+ and P3 Pro, I may crash tonite, But I use my VPS and fly most days,
and make errors as most people do . I have no problems with DJI . I get answers when I call
and get a response when I email . There products are the best in my opinion.
I still learn something new about every time I fly .
It can only get better!!!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

jbcenterprise@a Posted at 2015-8-2 06:09
I fly P2+ and P3 Pro, I may crash tonite, But I use my VPS and fly most days,
and make errors as m ...

Fair comments.
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Flight distance : 11549 ft
United States

HunterBrooks Posted at 2015-8-2 01:15
Hey CaveDrone, I actually did that exact same thing a few months ago.  My P3P is working perfectly. ...

I replied to your original post with my serial number,

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Flight distance : 1298317 ft
United States

Rigworker Posted at 2015-8-2 02:41
So does that mean the next firmware upgrade designed to 'fix' the issues that some now have could  ...

I will never upgrade a FW on a "working flawlessly" bird again. I would advise the same. Lol. The only problem I have is vps currently. I so miss 1.1.9... yes. Whining.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

Let me add one other factor in saying what i started: i assumed the company to be using same standard parts and manufacturing, not to keep changing things and basically using customers as their lab rats!! and please understand i am not implying that DJI is doing that
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Swiss Tony
Flight distance : 505459 ft
United Kingdom

I agree that there is an excessive amount of complaining happening about it, but if you're one of the unlucky ones then it's pretty crappy. You know how amped up you get waiting for the thing to arrive, then you fly it and it's brilliant. Then it tells you to upgrade and you do so, only for it to then tell you that the VPS is screwed and to "Land now," or whatever other issue it has. DJI told me to turn the VPS off until further notice so it's not as smooth at low hovers etc, but the rest is great
I've not had a crash, I had a good fight with it once when it went all batshit on me but I got it down okay-ish! . Their support seems a bit hit and miss but they're just human, and I'm sure that not everyone is sweetness and smiles when they call them with a broken quad.
THAT SAID, they've sold a ridiculous number of them and made a fortune, so all the issues with firmware, delays in shipping quads, selling packs with 2 batteries but not sending the second battery for 5-6 weeks, etc etc, it's pretty shoddy, unprofessional and generally not a good look for such a brand. 3DR are putting on a master class in how to treat customers and DJI need to get their crap together. If I was buying now, I'd probably go Solo.
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United States

rayrokni Posted at 2015-8-2 08:25
Let me add one other factor in saying what i started: i assumed the company to be using same standar ...

None of us piss ants know anything of the inner workings of DJI. Just like a lot of electronics manufacturers, they probably sub out production parts and assemblies.
Apple Computer uses Foxconn as their major supplier but have used other contractors to get them over production hurdles.

The thing about electronics is that they are produced to a standard specification that allows for variances. A specification may list a frequency as 2.4 gHZ, but what tolerance is allowed for a good part? 2.400 or 2.400+/_.01?

You're new here. Those that have been here since the offical sale date have seen atleast 4 firmware updates that have either corrected or disabled features on the Phantom. You know that both the Phantom and the Inspire were operating on radio frequencies they weren't licensed to operate on? The Inspire lost 14 channels of the 21 that they previously had before the firmware update.

DJI has never offered up a full description of what each firmware update was supposed to fix, sort of like the expansion of no-fly zones.

As for you being able to go back to fix a firmware installation, nope, send it back to them for the re-flash. Even after they admitted to having faulty micro SD card readers, you pay the freight to correct their problem after waiting 6-8 weeks.

DJI has lost the trust of a lot of people that have purchased from them. Starting with the promised delivery dates that weren't kept to the secretive process they use to replace lost or crashed quads. Ever look for documentation for the DJI Pilot APP?  Doesn't exist. How can you blame your customer for a crash when they don't have a manual for the safe operation?

If it were not for Youtube video's of people going into depth on the features they've discovered, there would be a lot more crashed quads.

I've been flying RC hardware for over 20 years. When I got started you had to piece a system together with servos and speed controllers and juggle multiple joy sticks. The units didn't fly themselves unlike the Phantom or Inspire. They've come a long way.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

gregg1r Posted at 2015-8-2 09:30
None of us piss ants know anything of the inner workings of DJI. Just like a lot of electronics ma ...

if you are not told what the firmware update does then dont update.
would you take your car blindly to the mechanic when he tells you he is gonna update your car.
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