Chest Rockwell
United States
Thanks - this was in the same flight, back to back shots with a noticeable adjustment to the tint.
I'm using manual WB, but I believe I've noticed a bug where the WB changes when switching modes, like switching from Normal to DLOG and back, or switching from photo to video. So maybe also when switching from regular video to slow motion. Basically what I mean is after making a switch but not adjusting WB, I'd notice a drastic WB shift that would have been fixed if I'd gone back and reset the WB manually (or hit auto twice to reset it and then turn back to manual). So it may be related to that.
Regarding the noise, it could be moire distortion artifacts and I'll have to look at the video again to see if it was too under-exposed and maybe bringing up the shadows caused issues.
I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, I'll try to post a quick clip before if possible. |