D-RTK 2 Base as PPK rover
5900 8 2022-2-21
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Flight distance : 2998255 ft

It has been asked years ago but no answer was given, does anyone know if you can use the RTK base as a PPK rover? Would love to use something I already have without buying more gear is all.
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Yvan Daniel


Fundamentally you fly/operate with the base. It is the same dataset standard except the data can obviously only be used as rover data. I do not know that hardware. Ascertain the data is defined as kinematic vs static. Just do you PPK workflow if the solution works and the standard deviations are OK you know then that all is good.
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Flight distance : 2998255 ft

Yvan Daniel Posted at 3-30 07:31
Fundamentally you fly/operate with the base. It is the same dataset standard except the data can obviously only be used as rover data. I do not know that hardware. Ascertain the data is defined as kinematic vs static. Just do you PPK workflow if the solution works and the standard deviations are OK you know then that all is good.

I want to use it with other platforms to collect RINEX data for PPK. DJI said it would come at a later date and it hasn’t, just disappointed I need buy more equipment.
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Yvan Daniel


Craig_Tas Posted at 3-30 12:29
I want to use it with other platforms to collect RINEX data for PPK. DJI said it would come at a later date and it hasn’t, just disappointed I need buy more equipment.

The best is to have at least dual constellations (GPS + GLONASS) AND dual band (L1 & L2) for both constellations. The logged RAW measurements (if the unit allows it) are the RAW data either static or kinematic and used accordingly respectively either as BASE or ROVER data at the PPK scenario.

Dji Matrice 300 RTK and at least one Matrice model can log a file called PPKRAW.bin (Starting with firmware v3.00.01.01 I read on this forum) There might be an *.OBS Rinex file.  

This PPKRAW.bin is dual constellation. But I do not know if it is dual frequency. If so, then you would have all you need from the drone itself.
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Flight distance : 2998255 ft

Yvan Daniel Posted at 4-6 13:24
The best is to have at least dual constellations (GPS + GLONASS) AND dual band (L1 & L2) for both constellations. The logged RAW measurements (if the unit allows it) are the RAW data either static or kinematic and used accordingly respectively either as BASE or ROVER data at the PPK scenario.

Dji Matrice 300 RTK and at least one Matrice model can log a file called PPKRAW.bin (Starting with firmware v3.00.01.01 I read on this forum) There might be an *.OBS Rinex file.  

Thanks for the reply and assistance, I have now acquired access to the CORS network in my City and I am testing that for accuracy at the moment for PPK processing with the other platform I fly. If it works then I will stick to that, just a little disappointed in DJI promises that never eventuate is all. Apart from that the M300RTK system as a whole has been great
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United States

I bought the base station last year with the Matice 300 and basically never use it anymore. I guess I will only use it if I am in an area with no cell coverage. I connect to my state CORS network, which works great and provides excellent data.

I burned up alot of brain cells researching how to get the base station to act as a rover. Basically, my DJI equipment supplier told me after consulting with DJI that  I needed to buy the Phantom 4 RTK Remote controller (developer addition) to get the base station to work as a rover to collect ground control points. They were supposedly ordering it for me but never were able to get it (supply chain issues I guess). I was willing to pay for it, but basically have given up in frustration.

I basically came to the conclusion I need to buy a Leica or Trimble rover to collect independent data outside of the DJI equipment.

Kind of a shame that they have done nothing to make this work on the best hardware platform.

Good luck.

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Flight distance : 2998255 ft

robertnd2 Posted at 4-7 18:21
I bought the base station last year with the Matice 300 and basically never use it anymore. I guess I will only use it if I am in an area with no cell coverage. I connect to my state CORS network, which works great and provides excellent data.

I burned up alot of brain cells researching how to get the base station to act as a rover. Basically, my DJI equipment supplier told me after consulting with DJI that  I needed to buy the Phantom 4 RTK Remote controller (developer addition) to get the base station to work as a rover to collect ground control points. They were supposedly ordering it for me but never were able to get it (supply chain issues I guess). I was willing to pay for it, but basically have given up in frustration.

I have also come to the same conclusion and now also have access to my local cors network for PPK processing with our other platforms. Thanks for the reply mate, glad and also disappointed I am not the only one in the boat so to speak.
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Hello please can non RTK Drones link with the D-RTK2 gnss reciever like the phantom 4 Pro or v2.0
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Flight distance : 2998255 ft

djiuser_rtQJemmUZ4P5 Posted at 12-5 15:23
Hello please can non RTK Drones link with the D-RTK2 gnss reciever like the phantom 4 Pro or v2.0

No, the drone has to have the RTK hardware.
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