About the battery auto discharge
3914 10 2022-3-21
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Flight distance : 91841 ft

Like a couple of people here I would like to know if this issue is fixed or not. I have the 2-way hub and it seems one of the batteries at least will not discharge at all. Even after a month  sitting in the hub it still shows 4 bars of charge. When the updated firmware was released last year I   cycled all batteries through and they all seemed to update but this one battery doesn't  seem to be discharging. I only fly occasionally  so is there any way of fixing this?
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I have never trusted automatic blinky lights to tell me if my expensive fire hazard batteries are "safe".  If I have a battery that's more than 50% full that I'm not going to charge and fly for a few days I'll slap on the prop guards and hover them down to 35 - 40% indoors.
This may seem a bit like overkill but I've seen what lipo batteries can do if not treated with kid glives.
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The lights dont seem to be very accurate,  I often see a full charge on the dock but have a slightly discharged battery when I go to fly.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out and we're sorry for the trouble that this has caused. Can you please try to insert the said battery on your drone and turn it on without propellers in it and let the battery discharge. When the battery already discharged, kindly please recharge it again using your battery charger then check if the issue persists. Please note that it is recommended to have the battery at 40% - 60% of charge if it will not be used for 10 days or more to ensure more battery life. Hope this helps. Please keep us posted. Thank you.
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Sorry but coming from a Mod that strikes me as appalling advice, for several reasons.
1) removing and more relevantly refitting the propellers to a Mini series drone is fraught with 'danger' e.g. cross threading the screws, wearing out the Loctite.
2) even if the propellers are not removed and you are suggesting leaving a powered on Mini sitting powered on, with the propellers not turning, long enough to discharge a battery I, for one, would be worried about things getting HOT.

In addition there are other arguably safer ways of discharging the battery, using features already built in to the hub, put the battery in the hub and use the hub as a power pack to power or charge some thing else.

That said, to the OP I am VERY surprised that you would leave a battery fully charged for a month when you seem well aware that doing so is detrimental, why would you do that?
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Flight distance : 96125 ft
United States

I read somewhere that batteries will not auto discharge until 3-4 days after being disconnected from either the drone or the hub. Since the hub works on only one battery at a time, this could explain why only one of your batteries refuses to discharge. I don't know how reliable this info is, but it's worth a shot.

I store 3 batteries in my hub backwards (not connected), and I have no problem with any of them auto discharging.
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Flight distance : 91841 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 3-22 04:52
Sorry but coming from a Mod that strikes me as appalling advice, for several reasons.
1) removing and more relevantly refitting the propellers to a Mini series drone is fraught with 'danger' e.g. cross threading the screws, wearing out the Loctite.
2) even if the propellers are not removed and you are suggesting leaving a powered on Mini sitting powered on, with the propellers not turning, long enough to discharge a battery I, for one, would be worried about things getting HOT.

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 3-22 04:52: "That said, to the OP I am VERY surprised that you would leave a battery  fully charged for a month when you seem well aware that doing so is  detrimental, why would you do that?"

Because I was testing whether the issue was still there. The battery isn't actually totally full but I would've expected it to at least be to 3 bars by now. Videoes such as say the issue was fixed with the firmware update last year and they should now auto-discharge even in the hub. I store all my lithium batteries outside in boxes away from everything else. And yes I usually store them in the hub upside down.

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Flight distance : 762418 ft
United States

ChouPigu Posted at 3-22 08:11
I read somewhere that batteries will not auto discharge until 3-4 days after being disconnected from either the drone or the hub. Since the hub works on only one battery at a time, this could explain why only one of your batteries refuses to discharge. I don't know how reliable this info is, but it's worth a shot.

I store 3 batteries in my hub backwards (not connected), and I have no problem with any of them auto discharging.

I thought this was a good idea till I tried and seems my hub has an alignment key so you can't install a battery backwards...maybe if I was to force it in but figured that would not be a good idea.
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Flight distance : 91841 ft

MrSlick Posted at 3-22 15:23
I thought this was a good idea till I tried and seems my hub has an alignment key so you can't install a battery backwards...maybe if I was to force it in but figured that would not be a good idea.

That's why I  don't like doing it either. It puts a fair bit of stress on the key and (and center of battery) I  could easily see the bottom of the hub eventually splitting.
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Flight distance : 194472 ft
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Hi again, as far as I know I have all the updates going yet my batteries still fail to self discharge if left in the Hub.  Take them out and they discharge as they should, leave them in and they stay at 100%.  I tried it several times but always end up turning them around and inserting gently into the hub before leaving them.  No real issue as I know what to do but odd that this still is a problem.

Thanks for any insights.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 73114 ft
United States

Rockbyter, to me, if the battery is inserted into the Charging Hub, and the battery is backwards of the normal charging position,
and there is NO electrical connection to the battery, then through the circuitry IN the battery that we are told will do the proper
thing - all should go well. The battery will slowly discharge down to the level that circuitry is designed to bring it.  After flying Mini 2,
I leave the batteries alone for a day, then recharge them to a full charge, remove them from the hub, place them on a shelf and
forget about them till the next time I am able to fly.  IF the period since I recharged them has been more than a week or two,
I check them by putting each in the hub or Mini 2 and seeing what the lights have to say.  TWO steady and ONE Blinking is about
40 to 60%, which according to the manual is nice.  IF I am going to fly, I charge the batteries I will need - back to full charge, in the hub.ALL of my batteries DO discharge slowly, when they are NOT electricly connected to anything!  Hope this helps???.
Edited: 4/25/2022
      *I checked the manual for the Mini 2, and it recommends that if the battery is in storage or not being used for a while, that it should be brought down to 30% or slightly less.
Not me, I am happy with the way things are, as I stated above.     ?????  **

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