Flight distance : 5372365 ft
mbuonanno Posted at 3-30 08:55
Hi Panph,
congratulations !!! You did a great job considering the complex topography of the site and that you manually piloted the M300RTK :-)
Grazie Maurizio!!
thank you for your advices. I've done exactly as you said, doing both nadiral and oblique flights, but i've done nadiral flights only where vegetation was pretty dense to let the laser hit easly the ground.
I am amazed at how dji terra has aligned the manual flights, considering that some parts I have not flown following a precise path.
To have a path as linear as possible, I created the mapping missions, considering terrain follow and overlap at 35%, then I left them open below in the map and I followed the paths manually. In some areas, however, I flew manually for better results, turning and changing altitude "as i want", but DJI Terra PRO managed it pretty well.
But doing flights parallel to contour don't you have errors in alignment due to different "error" from close or distance points? i mean, at the highest point you'll have points with low errors, but in the lower part you'll have a more sparse cloud to align. As in photogrammetry, i plan flights perpendicular to coutours to let the GSD to be much costant as i can, to avoid "resolution errors".
I wanted to try UGCS, but unfortunately my mobile devices are all Apple, so i cannot install UGCS on my laptops/tablet. I should have bought a dedicated one.
I hope DJI, maybe with the new Pilot2 app would solve this kinda problems, being the matrice300 solution the flagship of their fleet (or do we have to wait [and buy] the new 400?).
Anyway the work result are way better than i expected, pretty excited!
Grazie Maurizio per l'imbeccata su 3dmetrica, lo conoscevo in quanto lo consultano miei colleghi, ma magari ora ci faccio un bel salto. Ho visto alcuni video su youtube di Corradeghini, sicuramente un riferimento!
Buoni voli!
Alessio |