Flight distance : 717218 ft
Is DJI going to atleast acknowledge the signal issues on the Mini 3 Pro???
I'm in Canada (FCC) and got mine a week or so ago and have flown it every day since then basically, and the signal is just so inconsistent and unreliable
Constant signal drops unless you're literally 100m away with DIRECT line of sight to the drone (before you bring up VLOS, Canada does not have VLOS laws on mini drones).
I got so fed up that I decided to buy a Mini 2 from Costco just to test it and see if that had any better signal and oh my god, the Mini 2 can hold a 5 bar signal at up to 2000m away, and beyond that still hold a 4 bar signal. It's just so much more reliable and consistent. It can go places that I can not even get close to with the Mini 3.
Just today I was at a lake and was parked in a nearby school parking lot. The Mini 2 was able to go over to the lake 500-700m away and even get as low as 20-25m in altitude at that distance and still hold enough signal for me to take pictures. But the Mini 3 had constant 2 or less bar signal at that distance, and I could not get any lower than 50-55m without completely losing signal and RTHing.
Even though the Mini 3 takes better pictures than the Mini 2, the Mini 2 pictures came out better because I could maneuver to have better composition and framing and get closer. Dissapointing.
I thought Occusync 3.0 was supposed to be better than 2.0 so clearly there's something wrong with the Mini 3 Pro
But the worst part is that DJI is not even acknowledging this isssue. I've spoken to support multiple times over the past two weeks and every time they say they are not aware of any signal issues with the Mini 3 Pro.
So tell me then DJI, should I just return this drone since it seems to be working as intended in your eyes?