Mini 3 Pro Frequently asked questions and answers
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2697 44 2022-6-26
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Here is a list to some of the most common asked questions about the DJI Mini 3 Pro. Please read before posting a question.

  • Does it have a range issue - YES, People have noticed this
  • Will the range issue be fixed - I assume DJI are aware of the noted issue and will resolve in time
  • Does using either RC make any difference to range - NO
  • Is there anything I can do to increase range - NO, just be patient until the noted issue is resolved or officially addressed by the manufacturer
  • Does the lens fog up - YES in some cases.
  • Do I need to put my mini in the fridge when updating firmware - NO, This is silly. Your Mini won't melt.
  • Are fly more kits readily available in retail outlets - NO, not as available as we would like
  • Is 10bit crucial when using my drone - NO, The average flyer wont even notice or benefit from its use. Just fly the drone, enjoy your recorded memories and most of all, have fun
  • Can I use the Mini 2 props on my mini 3 - NO
  • Can I charge the battery faster - YES, I use a 61w charger. The higher the power output, the fast the battery will charge
  • What is the best way to copy files to my PC/Mac - Get a cheap sd card reader and connect to your PC/Mac to copy files across
  • My Mini 3 gets hot when its not flying - YES, it will. Its basically a 4k camcorder with an onboard computer recording 4K at 60p in a small confined plastic case with no fan
  • Should I buy a Mini 3 Pro - IF you can't make your mind up perhaps you should buy a puppy instead
  • I am worried about my strobe, sticker skin or after market landing gear struts making my drone weigh more than 249g - SEE answer for point 13
  • Have I got CE or FCC - REFER answer to question 1, your drone perhaps has range issues at the moment, it wont matter what you are.
  • My PC/Mac won't play the video files properly - CORRECT, to play Mini 3 video files especially the 4K 60P variety, you need a fairly up-spec computer. The codec or language that it records to the card is a very efficient language which still can be demanding for some computers to resolve.
  • The Police want to talk to you about your drone and where you are flying, what should you do - I PERSONALLY, would ;)      (Jokes, dont fly anywhere you think may be illegal. Consult with apps and ask other drone operators if unsure as to locations in your area)........... I would still run ;)
  • Does the mini 3 support goggles - NO, if it did they would be listed as an accessory
  • My drone crashed while following me when I was riding my bicycle - WHY would you do this in the first place. Sorry but the follow feature is asking for trouble if there are trees around, and i dont care how advanced the software is. Unless CYBERDYNE SYSTEMS from Terminator made this drone, it aint going to follow you everywhere
  • What's the best way to hold my props together - A 2 CENT RUBBER BAND, I do
  • What SD card should I use - Well, just get any card that is suitable for 4K. Good brands are SAMSUNG and Sandisk. Buy from a camera store and not ebay as most on ebay are fake copies and sometimes have trojan virus in them
  • Can I fly in strong winds - I own 5 drones, I never fly in strong wind. I tell all my clients I have a NO FLY policy for heavy wind and even light rain or drizzle. It's not worth losing your drone or damaging someones property for the attempt. Wait for a better day or else when that better day comes, you wont have a drone anymore because you crashed it in heavy wind
  • I cant get my SD card out, what tool should I use - SERIOUSLY......................
  • Should I hang around this forum frequently - NO, get out there and fly your new Mini 3 Pro. Its an amazing little drone that delivers very good video and photos. Yes, it has a few quirks like every other device manufactured today, but its not a failure. This is my first Mini and I use it for my professional work too ( only when clients aren't around or they wonder why they are paying me to fly a little drone. Some clients still want to see a big camera thinking they are getting their money's worth

I hope this list helps.

GLOBAL HAWK (If you see's too late)
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Interesting list you've put together.  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

You left out one of the most important rules - RTFM!!!!
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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Poor range. Havnt read anything about that are you sure
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Flight distance : 2354931 ft
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perfect. this should be the landing page!
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Fred Fred Fred
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4512966 ft
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Clearly you have woken on the wrong side of the bed and also haven’t gotten your coffee.
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Flight distance : 26434 ft
United Kingdom

Awesome post, thanks! Saved me searching for all those answers, there were even some answers to questions I hadn't even thought of yet
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Flight distance : 6337615 ft
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Mobilehomer Posted at 6-26 04:37
You left out one of the most important rules - RTFM!!!!

Should be top of the list
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Flight distance : 6337615 ft
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Point 18: Despite having the fastest-available Sandisk cards acquired from Argos and direct from DJI, I frequently get messages on all three drones saying the card is not fast enough. But the resulting videos seem OK.  Puzzled by that one.  Point 21:  If I didn't hang aound the forum I maybe would have missed your comprehensive list
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First Officer
Flight distance : 627966 ft
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Good Summary
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Flight distance : 524908 ft
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United Kingdom


Yeah very good but your answer to point 5 about the 10 bit is wrong - and off the mark - it wont matter if you dont care about your video, or grading, or the quality of the file.. if you're ok with that then yeah, it's not important.. but at least be a little less condescending to those who NEED and USE 10 bit daily.
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

Keeping it up the top
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You would find most of the time those people who #13 applies to, are not clever enough to RTFM
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello there GLOBAL HAWK. Good day and thank you for sharing these interesting information with us. Again, thank you for your support and keep flying.
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

DJI Stephen Posted at 6-26 18:48
Hello there GLOBAL HAWK. Good day and thank you for sharing these interesting information with us. Again, thank you for your support and keep flying.

Thank you for the reply. Good day to you.
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

Keeping on top
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Might I suggest a change of title, to something that reflects it being a list of frequently asked questions, with answers?
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 6-26 23:37
Might I suggest a change of title, to something that reflects it being a list of frequently asked questions, with answers?

Done,  Thanks
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Having read through some of the answers I would suggest that some of the sarcasm of some of the answers is misplaced. I get the impression that these are your own personal answers, if I am correct then I think you should point that out.
I wonder about the accuracy of the answer to 3), I don't recollect reading anyone else saying that. I don't read all the Mini 3 threads, there are too many of them, but I have the impression I read at least one that said the range was better using the RC231.
6) but directing a fan to blow cool/cooling air over the drone may help. This is a common practice with other drones that lack internal fans.
12) see the use of an external fan as mentioned immediately above.
23) is a problem for some people, a practical suggestion would be better than "seriously"
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 28675886 ft
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United States

# 13 is quite misguided! IF you cannot make up your mind on a piece of technology, please don't buy a puppy.
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United Kingdom

23 wasnt too helpful.   
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Patronising and condescending, way to go...

If you're going to do a FAQ, do it in a manner that would be actually helpful, failing that, add at the beginning that its your own opinions and sarcasm included.

I see you've now edited the post, well done!
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

Bashy Posted at 6-27 04:12
Patronising and condescending, way to go...

If you're going to do a FAQ, do it in a manner that would be actually helpful, failing that, add at the beginning that its your own opinions and sarcasm included.

I think he can do it as he wishes now can’t he

Nowt stopping you doing your own……apart from having no experience of the mini 3 of course
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

Just for those who are feeling a bit.................sad from my comment about SD card removal.

YES, this point was specifically sarcastic and straight to the heart. People need to STOP and use their sense of reasoning and fault resolution to find answers themselves instead of always relying on the masses to give them answers. YES, I support genuine questions that require technical prowess, but asking on how to remove an SD card is absolute stupidity. NO, I am not politically correct because I am of an age where people just seem to be getting dumber. So for any snowflakes who feel these points presented are being rude or obnoxious then fine, see them as you will.

For anyone on the forum who remembers the days before the internet. Remember when we had to work things out ourselves. Today, people don't seem to use their brains as much as before, they have become lazy.

Anyways, read it or move on. i posted to help people get answers and also a gentle kick in the you know what.

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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Bigplumbs Posted at 6-27 12:41
I think he can do it as he wishes now can’t he

Nowt stopping you doing your own……apart from having no experience of the mini 3 of course

Hey up Mr Hypocrite, I really didnt expect you to reply to me, that's a lie, i did, bazinga ;) Imagine that, i never thought i would see the day when you say someone can do what they want, considering you've ben telling me that i cannot, ha ha ha...

Again, i have plenty of experience with the DJI Mini 2 and the Phantom 4 Pro, what's so different that I'm not going to know about, other than a few software differences?
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

GLOBAL HAWK Posted at 6-27 15:31
Just for those who are feeling a bit.................sad from my comment about SD card removal.

YES, this point was specifically sarcastic and straight to the heart. People need to STOP and use their sense of reasoning and fault resolution to find answers themselves instead of always relying on the masses to give them answers. YES, I support genuine questions that require technical prowess, but asking on how to remove an SD card is absolute stupidity. NO, I am not politically correct because I am of an age where people just seem to be getting dumber. So for any snowflakes who feel these points presented are being rude or obnoxious then fine, see them as you will.

You too are a hypocrite, god forbid anyone needing help eh, what about when you do?

Couldnt work those out for yourself or did you fancy being lazy?
You know, you actually remind me of someone that used to be on this forum till they got the boot....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

Bashy Posted at 6-27 20:12
Hey up Mr Hypocrite, I really didnt expect you to reply to me, that's a lie, i did, bazinga ;) Imagine that, i never thought i would see the day when you say someone can do what they want, considering you've ben telling me that i cannot, ha ha ha...

Again, i have plenty of experience with the DJI Mini 2 and the Phantom 4 Pro, what's so different that I'm not going to know about, other than a few software differences?

What do yo think of Dry roast peanuts
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

GLOBAL HAWK Posted at 6-27 15:31
Just for those who are feeling a bit.................sad from my comment about SD card removal.

YES, this point was specifically sarcastic and straight to the heart. People need to STOP and use their sense of reasoning and fault resolution to find answers themselves instead of always relying on the masses to give them answers. YES, I support genuine questions that require technical prowess, but asking on how to remove an SD card is absolute stupidity. NO, I am not politically correct because I am of an age where people just seem to be getting dumber. So for any snowflakes who feel these points presented are being rude or obnoxious then fine, see them as you will.

I agree 110 %. If we all wait a moment Mr Perfect with no mini 3 pro will be along to point out that you can’t Agree more than 100 %
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Bigplumbs Posted at 6-27 20:33
What do yo think of Dry roast peanuts

I know what youre doing, its your new trick when you're made to look foolish ;)
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Bigplumbs Posted at 6-27 20:34
I agree 110 %. If we all wait a moment Mr Perfect with no mini 3 pro will be along to point out that you can’t Agree more than 100 %

As expected, here i am...

...percentages are like fractions, parts of a whole, you're agreeing with "GLOBAL HAWK" with all you've got, so that is 100%.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

Bashy Posted at 6-27 20:42
As expected, here i am...

...percentages are like fractions, parts of a whole, you're agreeing with "GLOBAL HAWK" with all you've got, so that is 100%.

Priceless no idea of the real world
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

Bigplumbs Posted at 6-27 20:44
Priceless no idea of the real world

yep.....for a forum member who doesn't own a mini 3 pro, he sure is the answer to all.

Anyway anyone who wants tips, read the top.


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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Just because one has knowledge does not make one a "know it all", i have had to ask for help on here many a time.
I am not the one suggesting folk learn for themselves in one breath yet you've asked on here for help yourself, i am not the one who looks foolish ;)

If i can feel help, i will and no amount of badgering me about not owning a Mini 3 Pro will make me stop.

Give me an example where i have given bad advice to anyone with a Mini 3 Pro, please?

For you, bigplumbs, you didn't like me giving you advice on the best way to get the best alignment between RC and drone, you've been on once since then, ain't it time you grew a pair of your so-called plums and grew up?
Failing that, shout me on your way back down and we can meet up and settle this as grown men instead of you being childish about it? one can only take so much of your poop...
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

Bashy, my cheeky and somewhat offensive approach on SD card removal is along the same lines as someone asking how to squeeze juice out of an orange and then also asking people what device they should use. But if they really think about it, its their hand pressure and movement that facilitates the juice removal. I grew up in a world where people actually looked at a problem and worked it out with some thought and patience. Today, people seem to just want an easy way out and not actually work for an answer.

I am surprised with some of these people if they have offspring and actually knowing where all the bits and pieces fit together during conception. LOL. AND YES, A close friend of mine was asked by his friend what he should do in order to conceive a child with his wife...........Yep some people still don't seem to know how nuts and bolts fit together. How smart the human race is............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Oh another thing, people need to learn to take a bit of pressure. Society has softened men and women in many ways.
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Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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GLOBAL HAWK Posted at 6-27 15:31
Just for those who are feeling a bit.................sad from my comment about SD card removal.

YES, this point was specifically sarcastic and straight to the heart. People need to STOP and use their sense of reasoning and fault resolution to find answers themselves instead of always relying on the masses to give them answers. YES, I support genuine questions that require technical prowess, but asking on how to remove an SD card is absolute stupidity. NO, I am not politically correct because I am of an age where people just seem to be getting dumber. So for any snowflakes who feel these points presented are being rude or obnoxious then fine, see them as you will.

The only thing you can now say about “Common Sense” is it’s not very Common…
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Flight distance : 287841 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 6-28 04:12
The only thing you can now say about “Common Sense” is it’s not very Common…

SO SO TRUE hallmark007. One night over several beers, the topic of aliens popped up and someone asked, " why do you think aliens haven't landed on earth and introduced themselves yet?" My reply was, " they probably did and seen how stupid we are decided to just keep going on into the universe in search of intelligent life forms elsewhere"

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First Officer
Flight distance : 620164 ft
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United Kingdom

Bashy Posted at 6-28 03:48
Just because one has knowledge does not make one a "know it all", i have had to ask for help on here many a time.
I am not the one suggesting folk learn for themselves in one breath yet you've asked on here for help yourself, i am not the one who looks foolish ;)

You have no knowledge…………… you don’t have the Drone yet you bang on and on. Please also remember I am hardly reading any of your posts. Who wants to listen to those with no experience
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Bigplumbs Posted at 6-28 08:21
You have no knowledge…………… you don’t have the Drone yet you bang on and on. Please also remember I am hardly reading any of your posts. Who wants to listen to those with no experience

Meet me on your way back down instead of you behaving like a pretentious child behind the keyboard...

Knowledge, pot calling the kettle black there matey, ha ha ha, says the person who thinks the USA has heavier electricity... come at me bro, come at me :p

Most of DJI consumer drones are the same principle with some software additions, the Mini 3 Pro is no different, prove me giving someone poor advice about this precious of yours?

I know you read it all, you just say that so you can pretend to ignore the rest, like i said, you ain't fooling anyone on here,

See 1st sentence ;)
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

GLOBAL HAWK Posted at 6-26 19:12
Thank you for the reply. Good day to you.

Hi there GLOBAL HAWK. Thank you for the reply and you are very much welcome. Have a safe and a happy flying always. .
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Flight distance : 151 ft
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United States

Thanks for this....really helps!
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