djiuser_6Gf8LUWvHPBs Posted at 2022-7-18 08:44
Hi All!
Why does Mini 3 use various ISOs when shooting in good light? Lots of images taken at ISO 110-120-140 with e.g. 1/4000 shutter speed. Why don't use the Mini 3 the lowest ISO? Do We have any settings in auto mode to make ISO down to 100 if possible? You can see when the shutter speed is 1/4000, the drone can use 1/2500-1/3200 to push down the ISO to 100. Not really made to zoom in, so 100 iso is safe for all types of lights. It's not how it's supposed to be (it's weird) shoot in pro mode to solve this issue. Eventually an update will change that, still waiting in mid 2024.
2 pm blue sky ISO100 ?
Night shot ISO 100 OKAY ?
Also the drone may be moving (flying instead of hovering) 100 is safe, as long as you don't crop (zoom in massively) once downloaded.
Regardless I always find a way to get better shot, like hover in low light. Video, I believe is what locks the iso at 100.
P.S I don't work for DJI. Great question for them, and will it change eventually...
I love their stuff, the potensic which is less expensive and not has sturdy, it shoots in f2.2 and finally you cannot expand your collection easily or at all... Different customers. Serious pilot with multiple drones go DJI.