Should I keep my older Pilot App in play? Or just bite the bullet and update everything?
Does anyone STILL run an Android with the 1.1.0 Pilot App ALONG WITH the new 1.3.20 Firmware on a P3 Advanced? Works okay?
The reason I am asking is that there seemed to be a strong correlation to increased seriousness issues when the 1.2.6 or 1.2.8 firmware was installed IN CONCERT WITH the 1.2.0 Pilot App. I now have 1.2.8 FW and the OLDER Pilot App, because I was “chicken” of increased issues. I only have the VPS problem, and a little drift, and no other known issues at present.
So, How are things working out with 1.3.20 + 1.2.0 on Androids + P3 Advanced - anybody have this combo? I’m definitely going to do the new firmware. The question is, should I stick with 1.1.0 Pilot App?