Second Officer
Flight distance : 24012 ft
United States
Don't know if this helps, but turned my controller on this morning and TXT flight logs were still there...
Internal Storage\DJI\com.dji.industry.pilot\FlightRecord
That folder appears to hold all the flight record txt files that I use to extract info
First time my controller was on with WiFi in several weeks, Pilot opening screen said "Remote Controller firmware update needed"
Did update, several restarts, no apparent problems other than my geofence area are reset again.
Flight Log txt files still there.
If it's any solace, the same type of thing happened to me a while back with stored missions. An email to DJI support yielded a very responsive person, but no resolution.
I started re-defining all my missions, then after a few days, there was another firmware update and all the old missions showed back up.
Since nobody from DJI has responded to your post, you might try enterprise email support.
As I understand, the flight logs are also stored in binary on the M300 itself, but those would have to either be decoded by DJI or some 3rd party software.