Flight distance : 824672 ft
United States
Just wanted to let everyone know, I too was getting a no singal in and out message after I did the firmware upgrade. It wasnt the first time flying after the firmware, I tested it right after and everything was fine. It was a days later (today) I charged the battery before hand, just to top it off as I do when I dont' fly for a few days. The remote was beeping like crazy going from a signal to no signal... What i noticed first was the RC was at 70% charged, so before I went crazy with changing the channels to custom and picking one or putitng the older firmware back on or changing the cable to the RC and Ipad mini, as i read some suggested. I fully charged the RC and the probelm went away.
I just wanted to let everyone who's having this issue know, it could be as simple as putting as full charge back on your RC!