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Latest upgrade destroys my Inspire and my business
2996 18 2015-8-15
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United States

I updated the firmware on my new perfectly operating Inspire it is sitting here now a 3k paper weight,  one led light is lit solid the moment you turn it on , and the motors will not start. with the message on the app, esc error call dji. This has ruined my endeavor into this hobby-business venture. I just ran an ad, applied for my faa exemption, and had some shoots lined up for next week, Now I am dead in the water, I am on a very limited income as I am retired and I invested a lot of money in this project and equipment to help supplement my income. I can not tolerate this magnitude of problems, nor the loss that I am now experiencing. I will never buy another DJI product. MY Inspire was perfect until it was destroyed by dji upgrade.  This is totally insane and more that I can handle, both mentally and financially. I spent an enormous amount of time and money on this project, I thought that it was something that I could do to help with my survival, that I would really enjoy. I am not going to be able to recover from this firmware upgrade, It will be winter  here in the mountains before I get my Inspire back. If I get it back at all. I dont want any one elses recycled crashed unit.  I dont see anything good in the future, for me and the pursuit of this endeavor. I really have no way to recover my so called business in the use of my Inspire to commercially make any money. My Inspire will be for sale when I get it back. I have to concentrate on taking care of my wife who is not well, as we are getting up there in age. Thanks DJI for destroying my business, by nagging the the last upgrade with a "Firmare upgrade REQUIRED" My perfectly operating Inspire is now "Required" junk. I designed a set of glasses I am sure some of you have read about, the Nebula Alien Sunglasses,  I have a few pair left, when those are sold I will no longer be able supply again, This firmware upgrade has truly destroyed everything for me that the commercialy inspired, Inspire was touted to be.  With a 6 to 8 week repair, and DJI never providing the functions that the Inspire was supposed to have, how could you possibly rely on this equipment, as a viable tool in any business?  I have had businesses for over 40 years, and this is the most ridiculous company that you could ever expect to work with, or depend on as a reliable business partner. Any reference to the Inspire as being a viable dependable commercial flying camera platform is eronious, it truly is not, If you need equipment that you can depend on, this is not it, and this is not the company to provide it.

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Tom Sanderson

United States

Wow, I'm truly to sorry to hear about what you're going through.  Have you tried just downgrading the firmware?  It's easy to do and I actually got it to work on mine!  Don't give up!
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United States

Tom Sanderson Posted at 2015-8-15 23:11
Wow, I'm truly to sorry to hear about what you're going through.  Have you tried just downgrading th ...

Yeah I tried everything several times reformatting cards, long format, everything, it will upgrade and downgrade everything works except the led light is locked on one foot very bright, extremely bright.
The motors wont start and the esc error comes on screen,  a perfectely operating machine before upgrade.
The firmware did not just detect a problem as tech, has said to some, the firmware damaged the hardware
pure and simple, it has happened to a lot of units, on every upgrade. My Inspire is the latest version only a month old.
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United States

I would try and keep calling until you can talk to someone who knows whats going on. Sending it in is not an option. You may as well spend about a week trying to get through and if all fails, send it in as a LAST resort.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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I am sorry to hear this mtnmadddman!!

I have been away on business  and so many things have been posted since I was gone. Hope you get this figured out soon.

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Flight distance : 1145489 ft
United States

I am sorry to hear about your problems. Might I suggest you buy an Phantom 3 as a back up so you are not dead in the water the camera can take the same footage. If you are going to be in business you need to have back up equipment. That unfortunately is a fact of life. It is safe to say that 98% of all Aerial photography companies have multiple UAVs. When I go to shoots I always have two UAVs on hand . You never know what might happen.

Again sorry to hear about your experience. I hope that you can get your bird up in the air soon.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

Sorry for your loss!  Having to wait on repairs is a bummer.  On that same note, I have to assume the customers you were going to do work for are now saying the same thing about you?  DJI had no backup plan for you, you had no backup plan for your customers?  
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United States

method007 Posted at 2015-8-16 03:07
Sorry for your loss!  Having to wait on repairs is a bummer.  On that same note, I have to assume th ...

Thank you for being concerned about what someone would think of me, I certainly would not want to be compared to DJI., You see I did have a back up, and a P3P also, I sent the P3 in a month ago when I bought the Inspire for my backup or visa versa.  You see my friend, that the P3 shell cracked out so bad, and after the last firmware update it would try to take off by itself, I decided it wasn't safe to have around customers or use in public. I will go out and do the shoots for free if necessary with my old v2 +  as the customer is aware of this entire situation with dji.  I am looking for a ccw esc motor set for my Inspire as it is a simple plug in bolt removal , replacement.  I intended to have several machines as back up but with firmware updates "Required" every month for a system that like the Inspire that has been out almost a year now to fix problems that for the most part dont really exist, that renders equipment useless for weeks or months is absurd, and you know it, read the forums I am not the only one that has been devastated by this crap. I am on a fixed income of social security, and almost impossible to live, Dji doesn't give a rats big snot ball about there customers, unlike myself.
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Flight distance : 620620 ft

Hi mtnmaddman. I am 70 years old and am running a aerial photography business. After purchasing one of the first FC 40 then the Phantom 2, I upgraded to the Inspire 1 and for the last year this bird has been fantastic both for filming and picture taking. So if you say the upgrade is the problem? Then I have to tell you that my unit after the download works just fine! Maybe you should check the way you download the updat first instead of blaming DJI. The Inspire 1 is the best UAV on the market, and I am not a dealer or a employee of DJI either. I hope you can re-load the unit and get the bird in to the air. Skyview
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United States

renebertschi@gm Posted at 2015-8-16 23:10
Hi mtnmaddman. I am 70 years old and am running a aerial photography business. After purchasing one  ...

I did everything the way I did it it the first time, no problems.  I used the same sd card and the same procedure that I did when I first got my machine it was perfect.  I read the downloaded instructions.  I  reformatted the card on the computer just as dji recommends, there was nothing on the card I unzipped and applied the file, to the card, the machine ran the whole 25 minutes, when it indicated it was done I waited a bit to make sure, I powered down and  I removed the card and checked the log it said success, I reformatted card re applied the file, and upgraded the remote with success. When I turned everything on one Led was was lit solid very bright everything came up but the motors would not arm and the error message came on the screen the there was an esc error call dji. Now come on sir, I am not stupid, who would you blame, yourself, if it occurred to you ? I am glad for you that it didn't ,  but it if it does I don't particularly want to here you crying to DJI either, in case you haven't been reading the forums, lots of people have had problems with the firmware upgrade.  I guess we are all stupid and don't know what were doing, some of the moderators think that also, judging by some of the comments, to their customers. I have ordered an esc board and motor on ebay.  I will remove the 6 screws, remove the motor, and unplug the 2 connectors, and two main wires to board, I will then remove the 4 screws holding the esc in , and then replace  the unit.  I will then reassemble it. The procedure will probably take 15 minutes, so do I spend a couple of hundred dollars on my month old Inspire or do I send it in for 8 or 9 weeks.  you tell me. I am 65 and I have been in the electronics, and jewelry manufacturing business for forty years, I am quite capable of replacing this ESC.  I have also, had the hobby of flying and building model aircraft since I was about 8 years old, I was in the hobby before there was radios, for radio control, my friend. My first radio had tubes in it.  I will let you all know how this crap all turns out.  I have tried to reload it will load back and forth with success between versions but will not repair esc error.  By the way thank you for your concern I appreciate it I believe you are sincere
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Flight distance : 1699081 ft
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United States

As a point of suggestion, I would always format the card in the device you are using it in, not the computer.   Same for cameras, I1, etc.   

That suggestion will probably not help in this case, but it has made a difference for others.  
Edit:  Also, sorry to hear about the update issue.  I have had similar issues with other equipment during firmware updates, it happens to more than just DJI products.  
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mtnmaddman Posted at 2015-8-17 01:00
I did everything the way I did it it the first time, no problems.  I used the same sd card and the  ...

mtnmaddman, I see that you " I reformatted card re applied the file, and upgraded the remote..."  I use an Ipad and you can only upgrade the remote via the APP now.  Have you tried uninstalling the app, and then doing all the updates on your viewing device then updating the remote?

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United States

smcbrearty@roge Posted at 2015-8-17 02:09
mtnmaddman, I see that you " I reformatted card re applied the file, and upgraded the remote..."   ...

HI thank you for that.
I talked to someone from DJI and they suggested that I do it with the card (after the fact), instructions suggested to do with card if update did not take,  I am not sure but did it say that ios must do it that way or IOS and android both?  Seems like from now on you will only be able to do it from the app, they will probably just leave that routine for the remote out of the update for the craft firmware as we receive it now. That way the app will automatically update, or not allow the craft to fly, when it detects that the bird has been updated. That way dji can be certain that the remote and the bird both get updated. They can make sure the remote is updated and matches with the firmware in the craft that way.  Seems in my case however, that the light came on the led solid all colors the moment the battery is switched on, on the bird, the problem was there after the upgrade, regardless of the remote status, seems to be totally in the bird.  Thanks for your help
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United States

mixmaven Posted at 2015-8-17 01:15
As a point of suggestion, I would always format the card in the device you are using it in, not the  ...

I thought the card should be formatted in the device also, I thought that one of the moderators had posted that on the p3 sight during the last upgrade debacle, Dji support told me to format in the computer So I dont know I dont think they know..  If I ever get my 3 week old inspire running again I will never upgrade it again.  
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United States

offshorecl1 Posted at 2015-8-18 14:36
I had a fly away, after one of those shit-updates, and had done everything by the book "imu and cal ...

Wow  sounds as though you have the same luck as me. If I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any at all.
I to am absolutely sick about all of this, I really don't know what I should do yet. I am going to try to repair myself. I know exactly how you feel, I am so sorry for you.  In this case misery does not like company.
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Flight distance : 7782 ft
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United States

I had the same problem At the update My Inspire just didn't work (Couldn't get into travel mode, Camera was dead and controller problems) I had to send it in, I will have it back tomorrow, Exactly 82 days after sending it in. I'm a VERY patient person so I'm not upset - Though I do feel the frustrations expressed in this thread. I just wish that there were some way to "Turn off" update requirements, In other words if the Inspire works fine for you then having the option to stay on that current firmware would be sweet.(No forced updates) And when new upgrades worth having i.e... follow me, orbit, ground station.or whatever - I'm just saying no need to nitpic - Then choose to upgrade. I tell you my bird was flying terrifically on the previous upgrade and I couldn't understand why a number of people had such problems - And then it happened to me. So for any who are currently flying with no's only a matter of time...And someone sometime back said to someone who posted similarly (Negative connotation) that the thread didn't need that type of posting (Though I have an open mind and that person did have a negative experience) I understood where he was coming from. I wish all of you the best and wish even better days for the ones who are adversely affected by FW problems.
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Flight distance : 7782 ft
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United States

offshorecl1 Posted at 2015-8-18 14:36
I had a fly away, after one of those shit-updates, and had done everything by the book "imu and cal ...

I know how you feel - I purchased the walker voyager3 instead of another Inspire, just to keep flying. Then the P3P then I bought the P3A then I bought 3DR Solo. The V3 camera is junk - But it does fly FAST!! The Solo has problems with communicating with the GoPro - In my case - others have no problems with that issue - The Gimbal is still not available for a few more weeks. so EVERY company is having some kind of issue.
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Flight distance : 7782 ft
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United States

mtnmaddman Posted at 2015-8-17 01:00
I did everything the way I did it it the first time, no problems.  I used the same sd card and the  ...

I hope all goes well for you sir!!!   However Iv'e never heard of anyone reformatting the SD card after getting a "Success" on the bird - I always thought that you merely discard the txt file, then pop the card into the controller no reformatting in between. {:3_52:}
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United States

CrabHawk Posted at 2015-8-18 23:30
I hope all goes well for you sir!!!   However Iv'e never heard of anyone reformatting the ...

I dont believe it is necessary either, I was following what DJI said when I called them (that was after the fact though)  I had read I believe on an earlier post a month or so ago on the P3, that was a suggested procedure by one of the moderators during the last upgrade.  I agree with you that it is not Nec. and only the text file needs to be deleted,  Also I have always formatted the card in the bird and then used with the update I havent had a problem with that,  I was told by support to format on computer and not in the bird, so who knows , thank you so much for your reply  Joe
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