Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
United Kingdom
tioee Posted at 12-16 16:10
Oh, I never noticed that it lost connection, I don't think that it did, if it did while I was flying it I would have noticed, it may have without me knowing while the controller was in the bag as I was paddling but almost certainly it didn't when I was flying it.
I also checked the next logs, they are from a different area comply, these logs would seem about right to me, that's where I started from, and where and when I landed it after it scooted away.
Given what you said in post 13 I no longer think there was a disconnection, the track agrees with your description.
But you should be aware that it seems the mini 3 has a ridiculously small, 3 sec, trigger period for the failsafe action.
Your drone has the default action set, go home, so it would have RTH'ed and maybe gone swimming if there had been a disconnection.
You'd best read up on failsafe behaviour for any future expeditions on water.
I was going to say that your RTH height was a bit high but given you are on the water and might not have immediate access to the controller or the take off point, it might be wise to keep the RTH height high (on calm days) to give you a chance to do something useful if you ever suffer a water borne disconnection.
But I would say you max height is far too high, last time I took note I thought Eire had a 400ft AGL ceiling. |