Flight distance : 2354357 ft
United Kingdom
Axelz Posted at 1-11 00:57
Assume this is the case if compatible with UK phone networks, re your post, though seems would just for the mobile data element not the controlling the drone as that requires dongle at both ends, DJI subsription also which isn't available here nor pretty much anywhere! An expensive way of getting mobile data on the rc pro vs phone tethering, which does work... being you can download the maps offline (as bad as they are) I'm not sure there is such a use case for this unless you don't like faffing with a phone if you say need to sync your flight logs or use an app you could have on your phone..
You can use it with the RC N1 so that would have been better for me anyway, saving the price of 2 dongles.
I have seen so far that it now works in Australia and New Zealand.
From the link i added in my post, there's a possibility that O2 supports TDD on 2300mhz and 2600mhz
Not sure about the other networks as i wasn't looking for those, I'm an O2 person but if it meant Vodaphone or Three only support it then i would certainly jump ship or at least just for this purpose lol
For those in countries that haev tried this and failed, i am wondering if they have actually blocked the signal from the RC to the drone so that the 4G side of it will kick in? as thats a major point.