Capture S1 activity over network
1066 1 2023-1-19
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I have four S1s and a small arena for them to play in.
The current gameplay experience is not suitable for groups because all game stats are on the screen of the player.

Would there be any way to capture the activity over the network (S1 connected to WiFi)?

I'd be interested in anything sent over the network between S1 and device (computer <> S1, mobile device <> S1, etc.).

Specifically I would like to know:
  • Is a S1 hit? (if yes, which one? Who made the shot/hit?)
  • What is the health status of the S1
  • How many shots fired?

If this information could be captured it would be great to create a status board with this information, making it something attendees in a room can follow.
Is this at all possible?

thanks for thinking with me.

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Second Officer
United States

Data sent is encrypted so unless you know how to decrypt it, you can not do that. If you can decrypt that then it should be relatively simple to capture the wire protocol but the. you still need to understand how the protocol works.
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