First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
| Posted at 1-24 10:34
Perhaps there are just too many settings, but I cannot get the KMZ to open in Pilot too if exported like this. However there are a ton of variable settings. Perhaps I have something checked that shouldn't be? Or need something else included?
I just tried, because I haven't since the last update. The technique no longer works! so don't bother trying.
It does not matter, there is another method.
1/ Save the layer as KML trough the QGIS Export.
2/Open it with Notepad and copy the coordinates
3/Paste the coordinates as it is, in the text below between "coordinates"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<Style id="transBluePoly">
Copy here and remove this text </coordinates>
4/Save it as .kml file
5/Enjoy it in Pilot 2
I will try to find the time to make a script to automate all this. But at least we have a temporary solution.