Flight distance : 731762 ft
United States
Hi I see some changes on my account. Once connected, it shows connection 2 Mini 3 Pros under Device Management, one is mine (serial ending with 74CP2 and shows as green-active) and another aircraft (serial ending with SY1BC).
74CP2 shows already bound to another account (which is mine vadim***@gmail.com), replacement Service is valid and length of activation: N/A
SY1BC shows bound to vadim***@gmail.com, Remove Device from account button is enabled and replacement is invalid
I am able to remove SY1BC from account, it stays connected to 74CP2, then I see option to Bind 74CP2 to my account, which then shows success to bind, then it goes back to "already bound to another account" status (vadim***@gmail.com, which is my email acct) and SY1BC re-appears on device list again (but shows as inactive)
Video of screen recording attached to the same link as before, I will repost the same google drive link in PM to you again.
It looks like a mess - please help to restore the account status so I can only see 74CP2 as bound to my account, coverage valid and correct number of days remaining.