Flight distance : 2059849 ft
On the Mavic 3 models, when using Waypoint Mode, if you tell the "Waypoint Mission" to start from the LAST Waypoint (instead of the First), the Mavic 3 will fly to the final Waypoint location, but instead of flying the mission in reverse (from the Last Waypoint to the Frist Waypoint) the Mission will immediately terminate and perform the End Action (Hover or RTH, depending on what you have specified).
This occurs on the latest firmware for the Mavic 3 Cine, verified when using the DJI RC Pro on its latest firmware, with DJI Fly 1.9.5
Mavic 3 Firmware: 1.00.1000
RC Firmware: 03.01.1200
Repeatable every time... had to delete my mission and create it again in reverse (which consumed additional battery and flight time due to the desired starting point being the farthest away, as is common when I do Waypoint missions to optimize the use of the battery, since the mission ends at the point closest to myself, requiring less battery capacity to return the drone to land)