Flight distance : 5882995 ft
we are well aware that the product is C1 rated, BUT....we need the stickers to be able to fly it in the EU!!!
I recieved the following email reply to my request;
Greetings! We hope you are doing well,
We are sending this email regarding your query on C1 label. We would like to inform you that you will only be able to apply for it only if you have Europe address. Hereby I am attaching the link for you to refer but to remind you again you will need European address for the request to be approved. ... Id=34&re=DK&lang=en
Thank you for choosing DJI and have a lovely day!
This essentially makes my Mavic 3 a brick...unusable. For those travelling to the EU, we don't have a EU address, and especially not one where we will be for 2 months to receive a label!!!
This is truly unacceptable.
The article that DJI refers to in the link above includes the following:
"[size=14.6667px]The application process for obtaining the new C1 class identification label for the Mavic 3 series is scheduled to be available to all customers from Q4/2022. From that date, users can request[size=14.6667px] it on a voluntary basis - [size=14.6667px]easily and at no cost. [size=14.6667px]The process will require them to provide their drone serial number and confirmation that they have updated to the firmware needed to obtain C1 certification. More details will be announced at the time."
[size=14.6667px]This states that it is available to ALL customers, not just those in the EU.