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Interesting upcoming DJI Go app :)
2158 12 2015-8-23
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Flight distance : 690197 ft

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

If that is legit - then I'm a happy camper.
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Flight distance : 73871 ft

Whats the point of submitting this video to the DJI Forum when it is a private video?????
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Flight distance : 690197 ft

rbaaij Posted at 2015-8-24 00:00
Whats the point of submitting this video to the DJI Forum when it is a private video?????

It has been removed by the user
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Flight distance : 104393 ft
United States

Soooo, who downloaded/mirrored it for posterity, so others can take part in the fun? Surely someone had the foresight to do this!
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United States

I didn't catch the above video either. But, here's an interesting video from DJI that shows the POI and waypoint features being used in the DJI GO app:
Find the latest must-haves, fixes, mods, how-tos, guides, and accessories for your Inspire.
Inspires in stock and ready to ship worldwide! (see availability)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Looks like someone broke the NDA.
I really don't understand why there is such emphasis placed on secrecy with the testing program -- there is no competitive advantage to be gained and a lot of customer satisfaction and expectation management benefit in opening up and communicating with us.

Probably a cultural thing I suppose.

Anyway, as stated before, if that (now removed) clip was legit, we should be quite pleased when the app is released.
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United States

Can anyone who saw that video describe what it showed since its been removed?
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Flight distance : 1500794 ft

Farnk666 Posted at 2015-8-24 05:31
Looks like someone broke the NDA.
I really don't understand why there is such emphasis placed on sec ...

I've also seen the now removed video and it indeed looked very promising. Seems we will soon get the ground station features we were waiting for ;)
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United States

All we can do is wait and see I suppose... Though as with any of the major updates there seems to be a whole host of issues, I just hope that the testing and trouble shooting was a bit more thorough than some of the other times. Thinking positive thoughts!
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United States

Nice to see people on NDA's have no clue on why they signed it.

Guys, simply enough, the beta group is there for a function. To use a contracted group within a "CLOSED" circle to test upcoming products, code etc. Having a full open line of communication to all customers at this stage does a few things-

1) Gets people excited about things that may not be ready to hit the market (Untested)
2) Could advise and mislead people to think there is a specific problem with a function that is being tested even though is may not effect their current OS or firmware or even a released operation yet.
3) Can compromise sales of finished goods based on features not yet released.

This is why they are trying (Attempting) to keep engineering and testing secret. Look at Apple, products are in engineering and development YEARS before we even see a sign of anything about it. Would you buy a IPHONE 6 if you got credible proof of whats in the works for Iphone 7? MMMM Most likely not.

We do this same process at  the company I work for on several of our products and the program works well.

I say great that they are doing this, and a smack in the face to the guy who was trusted to stay quiet and couldn't help from posting that video. I mean really come on.

The fact is the I1 we have grown to love is nothing more than a flying computer with a LOT of hand written code. Remember Windows XP? 12 years on the market, thousands of software writers and even more testers and even when they pulled the plug there was still bugs in it. ITS GOING TO HAPPEN. Ultimately, regardless on how many people accept the possible consequences of testing unproven code once there is enough consensus that it seems safe once it hits the market there will be MORE bugs found. And ultimately if they cannot reproduce it, they wont be able to fix it.

I would expect nothing less of DJI than to do exactly what they are doing and commend them for having a trust level outside of the immediate engineering and “IN-HOUSE” testing department. Its just too bad that somebody had to be the “informer” which clearley wasn’t their place to post ANYHTING they happen to be working on with DJI.

I wouldn’t blame DJI for pulling the plug and that Beta group and bringing it back inhouse to the small handful of individuals on their immediate payroll to do the job without the side effects nad back lash of loose lips.

Sure this isnt going to set well with some, but from a business management point of view, Oh well.

Keep up the good work DJI. Look forward to whatever updates and new features you have for us in the future. Because my I1 has been nothing buy a gem to fly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

All of this and a great deal of frustration could be very simply avoided if DJI just published a roadmap of their development program with key deliverables and testing deliverables mapped out for the coming year/18 months.. Doesn't need detail, just a high level indication.

That way current users have a level of comfort that DJI is supporting their investment and potential purchasers are informed.
It also sends a clear message to the market just where DJI is heading, providing confidence in the strategy.

All major players in the technology sector do this, there is no competitive advantage in silence.

While I don't condone the P3 owner breaking their NDA, what was demonstrated is already available from all of DJI's competition, with models priced at 1/2 or less of the Inspire. In this particular case there is no innovation, IP or new product to protect. For whatever reasons, DJI is playing catchup right now with regards to functionality and this is difficult for a company that prides itself as being on the cutting edge.

I'm very thankful for everyone who puts the time into beta testing the platform. You are all doing a great job.
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United States

I just wish DJI would prioritize the flight operation features and stop re-engineering Adobe products.  Get your bread and butter out the door.  Make more of your customers productive.  Then clone Photoshop, etc..

In other words, bake the cake before you try to put icing on it.
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