Fly away! And I get it captures it... Whew!
2546 11 2014-12-6
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United States

I was in a wide open field and just testing the distance. As I got near these electric wires, there was no Return Home.
My app just showed I lost connection and never came back.  The video is very amusing since I got it back AND I actually had
the camera pointed in my direction and filmed myself running a 1/3 of a mile or so.  The video is 6 minutes but take note after the
4 minute mark.  Off in the distance, I am not the guy walking on the side walk, I am to the right of the sidewalk in the field and much
further back, beyond the 3rd soccer net.  It is comical actually watching me running toward it and finally regaining control and bringing
it down and landing it.  This could have ended much worse and we really need to be careful flying near wires.  I lost complete control and
the return home never kicked in.  Watch....

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United States

You were suckling some air there from the adrenaline.noticed a tilt on your gimbal, you may need a calibration. Glad to see your bird made it home or should say you to your bird.
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United States

huntarr@sbcglob Posted at 2014-12-7 12:16
You were suckling some air there from the adrenaline.noticed a tilt on your gimbal, you may need a c ...

Hi huntarr, yeah adrenaline and just plain running after it.    Thanks, I am glad I caught it too. I did noticed the horizon is not perfectly level.  I'll run the IMU calibration Basic and then the Advanced.  I was reading some one saying to do advanced first and then the basic.  Not sure if you or anyone has an opinion on this.
Thanks, Dave
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United States

You also might calibrate your X1 channel (basic tab) and check your gimbal settings (advanced tab)  
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United States

Glad you got her back.   These stories distress me though.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 6467 ft
United Kingdom

Hi nordkapph20,
Its very rare to lose both FPV and Control at the same time, normally you will lose one before the other, so it gives you time to head back into rage.
Sounds like you just lost FPV, you still had control so no automatic RTH was needed.
A good reason to always fly well within your visual range.
Also you could have triggered RTH on the S1 switch (if set up) or by turning off the transmitter.
But at least you live to fly another day
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United States

Wow, lucky!  When in doubt, go up.  So lucky you missed the power lines and trees!

It must be a P2V thing, because I have every confidence my P2 (non-vision) would not have lost connection at that distance.

Don't know if it's even on option on the P2V, but by chance is the gimbal set to "FPV mode"?  Seems the camera roll is more tied the Phantom's roll moments than any sort of failings I've experienced with the gimbal loosing level.
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United States

away-point Posted at 2014-12-7 23:38
Wow, lucky!  When in doubt, go up.  So lucky you missed the power lines and trees!

It must be a P2V ...

Great points johnwarr and away-point!  I am still in the early stages of learning the ropes and that is why I go to this big open field. Johnwarr - You are correct, I lost the FPV only.  Many other flights in this field I tested the distance, I still had the  FPV but lost Control and RTH activated nicely.  This was the first time, the other way around happened.  So without seeing the phantom very well, a tiny dot, I was slowly trying to fly it back as my phone screen provided nothing. As the video shows, I was flying further away and over the wires.  That is when I stopped giving inputs, it just hovered there and you see me running the last portion until I got under it.  

I still question though, with all those electric wires the phantom was near, if I did turn the RC off, if the Phantom would have been able to return ok?  Especially since the Phantom had to fly back over the wires to return to home.  A great lesson and a happy ending.  This forum is awesome and thanks for your guys input! Always good to share our learnings.  You can go into a panic mode especially early on and not think clear, especially when it is something new.  I was even questioning which stick moves me forward, which stick makes me rise.  Not that bad but you know what I mean.  I am putting stickers on my RC, I think it is nice to have.  I ordered these: ... ji+phantom+stickers

Thanks again guys!  In the Summer, we should all plan a Group Fly Weekend some place!!
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United States

You might increase your RTH altitude to insure safe route You can do this in the assistant software or on the fly from the vision ap
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Well dodgy flying near those power lines over a road with a junction.  Maybe you should think twice about contact details going on your bird.  Could come back to bite you.  
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Flight distance : 13845 ft
United States

Everything else has been said about your little "exercise" jog but what caught my eye was the nice "car dodging" as you crossed the street!  Nice timing!     
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United States

nordkapph20@yah Posted at 2014-12-8 00:13
Great points johnwarr and away-point!  I am still in the early stages of learning the ropes and th ...

Huntarr -Yeah, I did that right away when I got the Phantom, I changed my RTH to 100 feet. I still think something was going on with the wires.  You can see I was slowly turning the phantom to face me as I sat there and hovered.  And with it turned around facing me, pushing forward on the stick should have brought it back to me.  I don't know.

talk2t_c - I am with you 100%.  I never intended to fly over the road and over the wires. My intention was to do a big box within the field.  Once the FPV connection broke on that first leg of my flight, which in itself was weird because it was not THAT far away, things got squirrely.  I felt it was not responding properly.

bahamasboy - Haaa, yeah, it looks worse than it was, I could see the car was clearly passing before I got in the road.  Hey, I read the instructions...My Phantom and I have the right away.   hehe
It still cracks me up watching it, I love the camera was pointing my way to film it.  It was a long run holding that damn remote, should be a new sport in the Olympics.  

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