Mavic 3 Pro New Feature Firmware Enhancement Requests
2953 25 2023-5-25
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United States

29MAY2023 UPDATE: I have compiled an edited list of all the future firmware new feature requests for the DJI Mavic 3 Pro that were suggested by the contributors to this forum thread. THANKS to everyone that contributed suggestions to this list.

NOTE: If the DJI firmware and DJI Fly app software programmers were to add 2-3 of these feature requests to each subsequent firmware release, it would add wonderful additional value to this amazing camera and videography drone. This added versatility and functionality would be greatly appreciated by all users of the Mavic 3 Pro, including amateur and professional cinematographers.

Here are the compiled list of new, useful functionality features that are requested to be added in future firmware updates to the DJI Mavic 3 Pro:

  • Improve Precision Landing performance to the same exceptional level as on previous DJI drones. NOTE: currently, Precision Landing works well only if the P3Pro is raised vertically to 7M height, hovered for 5 seconds and then flown only a few hundred feet away from Home Point before initiating a RTH in optimal lighting. However, when initiating a RTH from 4000+ feet from Home Point, the aircraft rarely returns precisely to the Home Point and, instead, the aircraft typically starts its descent and attempts to land 3-8 feet, or more, away from the recorded Home Point. The Mavic 3 Pro sometimes attempts to correct its horizontal position during such a RTH descent following a long distance flight, but the aircraft still attempts to land 3-8 feet away from the original Home Point.
  • Add Option on the Safety tab of the DJI Fly app for pilots to select between Advanced RTH and Straight Line RTH (which allows for altitude to be adjusted by the pilot during RTH). NOTE: The new default Advanced RTH feature on the M3Pro does NOT allow for altitude to be changed by the pilot during RTH, and Straight Line RTH is only currently implemented automatically (not by the the pilot) during low-light situations.
  • Provide functionality for users to manually cycle between the three camera lenses (24mm, 70mm and 166mm) at their native zoom level (1X, 3X and 7X) during Normal flight modes while video is being recorded in Normal mode, including at 4K/60 and 5K/50. In addition, allow this lens switch cycle function to be assigned to the C1, C2 or C3 customizable buttons. NOTE: Currently in Normal flight mode, in order to change the camera lens being used, the video recording must be stopped, the new lens selected, and the video restarted. I do not care if there a couple of blank or noisy video frames during this user-selected lens change, although, ideally, this wouldn't be the case.
  • Add functionality to capture a JPG Frame Grab photo while recording video during all normal video modes by pressing the photo shutter button. (Note: This was an extremely useful feature that I used frequently on my older DJI drones. I am sure the advanced processor used in the DJI M3Pro could handle this frame grab photo save during video recording.)
  • Add new functionality to allow pilot to manually switch between ATTI (Attitude), where GPS flight stabilization is turned OFF, and GPS flight modes during flight and, further, allow users to assign this ATTI/GPS flight mode change fuction to the C1, C2 or C3 customizable buttons. Audible prompts and screen warning messages should be made by the DJI Fly app whenever the aircraft is in ATTI mode to remind the pilot that aircraft position is now subject to drift with the wind. This added cutomizable button functionality would provide pilots with a valuable and important new safety feature -- the ability to quickly and accurately determine wind speed and direction at the current flight altitude by switching to ATTI mode and then observing the aircraft direction and speed as it drifts with the wind. This can be vital on windy days or when trying to determine if wind speeds aloft are signifcantly different than at ground level as they often are. NOTE: on older Phantom DJI drones, the remote controller had a dedicated switch to select between ATTI and GPS flight modes and I routinely used ATTI mode to accurately determine aircraft wind speed/direction aloft.
  • Provide a new option setting to allow the the Battery Level at which a Low-Battery RTH is initiated to be set manually between 10% and 80% by the pilot on the Safety tab of the DJI Fly app.
    Minimum level should remain 10% for safety. However, allow the pilot to set this low-battery return level as high as 80%. For example, if pilot knows return flight will be against the wind then it would be a safety enhancement to allow the pilot to set the RTH battery level higher, say at 60%. A reasonable maximum setting might be 80%.
  • Add 10-bit D-LOG M color mode to the 7X 166mm camera to unify the availablity of this color profiles across all three cameras.
    The 7X 166mm tele camera is great for photos, but lacking in video as only an 8-bit normal color profile is available for the non-Cine version of the P3Pro. It is currently difficult to grade video shot using all three cameras in post because of the lack of a common LOG color profile for all three cameras.
  • Add the standard D-Log color profile to both the 3X 70mm Medium Tele camera and the 7X 166mm Tele Camera.
  • Add a new option to allow pilot to set the noise reduction, sharpness level, contrast level and color saturation level for video on each of the three available cameras.
    This would give users the freedom to change theses settings to their liking and improve the video quality and consistency for specific video shoots using one or multiple cameras.
  • Add ability to capture high-resolution Pano (Panorama) Photos using the fabulous 3X 70mm medium tele camera.
  • Enable video capture at 4K 60fps while in Explore mode.
  • Enable user selection of all FocusTrack features (Spotlight 2.0, Point of Interest 3.0 and ActiveTrack 5.0) during video capture at 4K 60fps.
  • Enable pilots to set and use Waypoints in Night mode.
  • Enable pilots in the United States to purchase, install and use the DJI Cellular Dongle on the DJI Mavic 3 series of aircraft to enable Enhanced Transmission mode using 4G LTE cellular control of the aircraft during flight.  NOTE: Currently, in the U.S., the DJI Cellular Dongle can only be installed and used in the DJI RC Pro remote (verified by this poster) to provide internet access via cellular service for purposes of browsing the internet, checking flight conditions and authorizations using the DJI Fly app and multiple 3rd-party apps, downloading location-based updates to the Google mapping functionality before or during flight, etc. However, the use of the DJI Cellular Dongle on the Mavic 3 aircraft itself to provide live flight control of the Mavic 3 series of aircraft is currently not allowed by the latest DJI Fly app and the latest aircraft firmware. Adding this functionality in U.S. in VLOS situations would add safety, versatility, and functionality to the Mavic 3 series of professional-quality drones. For example, if a pilot is flying a POV circle around a target, or is active-tracking a moving subject and the aircraft moves into an area with strong signal interference or if the 2.4/5.8 GHz transmission signal is momentarily hindered, the aircraft will enter RTH mode and the video shoot is ruined. The ability of the aircraft to automatically switch between 2.4/5.8 GHz normal transmission mode and 4G LTE Enhanced Transmission mode would ensure aircraft control and video transmission signals are maintained during otherwise challenging signal transmission situations.

Feel free to comment on the usefulness of these requested features and to add your own new feature requests for the DJI Mavic 3 Pro in this forum thread.

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Flight distance : 474537 ft
United States

They need to let us use 4k 60fps for exploring mode. When in exploring mode we are limited to only 30 fps.

Let us use active tracking during exploring mode. Right now to use active tracking we must go back to normal.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

This is a really good list and all seem very reasonable.  I hope DJI listens and gives them some consideration.
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Flight distance : 13528625 ft
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New Zealand

Good list, I second the request
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I would also like to add.

6. Allowing the the RTH low battery to be changed.
Don't allow it be set under a 10% but allow it to be set higher. For example. I know my return flight will be against the wind then set the RTH battery level to 30% or higher even.  They would have to be a maximum that could not be passed ie maybe 80%.
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DJI Gamora


Hi, TheMann58. We'd like you to know that we appreciate your valuable suggestions. We will forward your concern to our related department. After the evaluation of the related department, significant suggestions or requests will be implemented via the firmware update, app update, etc. For any updates, please stay tuned to the latest news on our DJI official website at ( or by checking the Release Notes specific to your product. Thank you for your continued support.
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7. Add 10-bit D-LOG to 7X camera and unify the color profiles on all cameras
7X camera is great for photos, but lacking in video because 8-bit and normal color profile. It is also hard to match all three cameras in post because of different color profiles

8. Add the option to change noise reduction, sharpness, contrast and color for video on every camera
This would give users the freedom to change the settings to their liking and improve video quality.

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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

+1 great ideas.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

ME262 Posted at 5-25 23:46
I would also like to add.

6. Allowing the the RTH low battery to be changed.

Great option request, ME262, particularly for newer pilots or ones experimenting with longer distance flights from the Home Point.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

zciUKm88uBnUtbtd0pL4ZA7 Posted at 5-26 00:18
7. Add 10-bit D-LOG to 7X camera and unify the color profiles on all cameras
7X camera is great for photos, but lacking in video because 8-bit and normal color profile. It is also hard to match all three cameras in post because of different color profiles

Great ideas!

Adding the new DJI D-Log M color profile to the 166mm tele camera has been requested by many cinematographers testing the Mavic 3 Pro to unify color profiles across all three cameras. Of course, professionals would also like to see:
9. Add standard D-Log color profile to both the 70mm Medium Tele camera and the 166mm Tele Camera.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

I would like to add:
10. Add ability to capture high-resolution Pano (Panorama) Photos using the fabulous 70mm medium tele camera.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

The newer Galaxy phones have "Director's View" it shows all three cameras on the screen allowing the choice of the main window just by tapping. GREAT feature.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

djiuser_zKR5HFX3a2EC Posted at 5-25 20:57
They need to let us use 4k 60fps for exploring mode. When in exploring mode we are limited to only 30 fps.

Let us use active tracking during exploring mode. Right now to use active tracking we must go back to normal.

These are outstanding new feature requests and would be much appreciated by many videographers. Sorry, that I didn't respond sooner. Let's give these two great ideas numbers right now. THANK YOU!
(The idea number is no reflection of how great these ideas are.)

11. Enable video capture at 4K 60fps while in Explore mode.

12. Enable user selection of all FocusTrack features (Spotlight 2.0, Point of Interest 3.0 and ActiveTrack 5.0) during video capture at 4K 60fps.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 54469 ft
United Kingdom

Night Mode for Waypoints.
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Flight distance : 558517 ft
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United States

Add some of these updates to Mavic 3 has 2 lenses
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Flight distance : 493976 ft

Please important, mini pro 3 with googles integra, dont have mode audience... i bought two googles for share eith two googles ( how avata this function is aviable and work good) Please, update firmware for activate mode audience?

If it is not possible for phisics mavic , another idea: use second googles integra via cable for view primary googles, same function phone-googles for view two persons, but via googles the immersive view is totally,, please , one solution for share mavic minibpro with two googles integra... via audience or via cable
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

UPDATED 29MAY2023 to reflect a compiled, edited list of all new feature requests for the DJI Mavic 3 Pro
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Flight distance : 42175 ft
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Thanks everybody for the suggestions ans also Op for the summary!

For me the following numbers are very important:
6. Custom Low Battery Level
7. D-LOG M for every camera
8. D-LOG for every camera (this is my most important feature, I use mostly D-LOG because of its dynamic range, if not hardware possible then please add at least D-LOG M, it is such a pain to match the 166mm camera with the other two cameras)
9. Noise Reduction, Sharpness level, but I think this would only be available in the normal color profile
10. Yes please panoramas with the 3x. I really like that lens and panoramas with that would give us huge detailed images,. And I know, it would took longer to take all the pictures

But here is my request and that would maybe also solve a potential problem with request 10
Panorama function to enable or disable the auto stitching

I always take raw photos and stich them together myself, I really do not need the auto stitched jpg. When you take a panorama sphere it takes quite long to process the auto sticked image and while that happens you are not able to record anything. You can fly, but you can not shoot videos or take any photos. It takes about 1 minute to process and when I take 5 panoramas as a sphere, then I have about 5 minutes less flight time for shooting. That is a lot. Especially for something that I do not use. Maybe others do and that is totally okay, but I would love to decide myself. This on/off button/function should be possible to integrate.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2795098 ft
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15. Add real optical GLASS lenses, instead of that plastic crap that is full with defects...
I prefer to pay extra 100 USD for quality glass optics and stop that awful lack of sharpness and chromatic aberrations, also that blurred areas....

Good sensor, crap lenses.
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Flight distance : 558517 ft
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United States

Be nice if drone or controller can auto put together AEB shots an option if you want
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Flight distance : 45240 ft
United States

I do not understand why they only added spherical pano to the 3x (70mm) lens. Wide angle pano (with 9 shots) would be the most useful. How can we request this?
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


djiuser_1ezB25lQMweB Posted at 9-11 13:04
I do not understand why they only added spherical pano to the 3x (70mm) lens. Wide angle pano (with 9 shots) would be the most useful. How can we request this?

Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. We will take note of this suggestion of yours and will surely forward it to our relevant team for attention. We appreciate your valued support.
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Flight distance : 887457 ft

Good list. But I would also add a backup feature. If you lose the drone or the controller, you lose all settings and saved missions. I would like to backup them to the SD card, the Dji cloud, or both.
I lost two controllers, and if you upgrade to another drone with a different controller, it would be nice to be able to move all saved settings and missions with you.

Also, I would like to be able to set default camera, video, and colour space settings. The controller is modulated. This means that hyper-lapses are treated differently than just the camera. It would like to be able to choose jpeg + RAW for all settings. And 4K 60fps D-LOG for all videos. And that those settings stay even after a firmware upgrade. Or that you can restore those settings after a firmware upgrade.
Now, I have to reset every time my new firmware is announced, and some features can only be done while flying and not on the ground.

In my opinion, this is basic. I hope it comes on the list.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 12584416 ft
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United Kingdom

Brilliant list, hope Dji can give this some thought for next update.
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Flight distance : 1584596 ft
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For "10. Add ability to capture high-resolution Pano (Panorama) Photos using the fabulous 3X 70mm medium tele camera." we should add

10. A: Add 3x and 7x mode for all Pro modes, not only for spherical mode, to get high and higher res panos.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 12584416 ft
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United Kingdom

Being able to control height up or down when in RTH, auto stop recording on land, and as has been mentioned, photo grab whilst recording. Just suggesting like..   
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