First Officer
christangey Posted at 6-16 23:43
Yes this is a really bad issue Paladin, I think a lot of your team think the whole world is connected all the time, but here in the Australian outback for example huge areas, bigger than many countries, don't have access to the internet . I work in very remote locations and when this log-out happens it can be a major problem when I am working for clients like BBC, National Geographic, Warner Brothers etc. I've been in situations where I have been on a professional job and had to drive up to 100km on rough dirt roads just to log back in so I can regain the normal flying functions on the aircraft! On big projects we take precautions like having another complete drone kit ready to go if we crash it or lose it , but we don't expect our own controller to ruin the job!
I couldn't agree with you more...
I posted a similar content to yours... Part of the US, Africa, Asia, Australia, South America and possibly many more, don't have Internet access...
This is going to be a big issue if not fixed quickly...
DJI, let the radio stay logged in all the time at least for those country where Internet it is still under construction because of the lack of population... |