 Second Officer
This bug has been happening randomly many times since I updated to latest firmware. This never happened before the last FW update, so I am sure its something with latest FW only.
When it happened for the first time I was shooting a professional shoot & it was really a loss of words for me to say to client that we only have jpegs from the shoot. At that time I blamed myself that I must have unknowinly changed that between afternoon shoot & evening shoot. Afternoon all shots were J+Raw & evening shoot all were Jpg. I was shocked to see that I could be so careless that I may have changed that & didnt know about it.
Since last 1 month this random change of J+Raw to Jpeg only has happened 5-6 times now, latest happened today when I flew in morning all shots were J+raw, came home kept the drone battery for charge, went out in the evening to shoot same location & I see that the shooting format has changed to Jpeg only.
So all this is happening without me doing any such change, seems like a bug in latest FW but before I report to DJI can any one of membesr confirm if the same is happening to their drone recently?