Flight distance : 3152241 ft
United States
djiuser_QgGNrOjdzio4 Posted at 8-7 08:06
Had the same happen to me out on the ground yesterday! I use MacBook and rendered back to an ex FAT ... And it worked this morning I was in a panic as its a 256gb Samsung Eco Plus card which I used in my Air2S without any problems Interesting, thank you for sharing! I’m glad you got it worked out. Not sure what it is but it all was before I got the drone updated, for some reason my updates, even when manually fetching them never showed up until after I landed from my like 3rd or 4th flight. Up until this point anytime I turned the aircraft off when I turned it back on it had corrupted my card. I’d fix the card then try it again. Finally after fixing it all again and using the SD tool recommended above along with the updates and I haven’t had the issue since. I’m now using a new card but haven’t had any issues so far! |