Willing to pay: Placing the Terra produced 3D model on a website
782 2 2023-8-22
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Flight distance : 8449826 ft
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United States

I am willing to pay for someone to consult with me as to how I go about placing the 3D model that DJI Terra has created on a website so that the person viewing the webpage can actually walk through the model anyway they wish. If you are interested please reply to this thread and we will arrange for a virtual meeting. Thank you.

Here is my email address:  e_matevosian@yahoo.com

Ed M.
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Flight distance : 8449826 ft
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United States

DJI Tech Support has the following to share with me however I still need some expert advise/hand in making it happen since I am not that tech savy:

"Evelyn.Lu (DJI Support)

2023/8/23 GMT+8 11:35

Dear Edmond,

Good day!

This is Evelyn from DJI Technical Support.

We are grateful to assist you with your concern and really want to help further. I just received the message from our consumer product team and understand that you have a question about the DJI Terra issue.

In your previous talk with our relevant colleague, you mentioned that you would like to know how to upload the 3D model that was created on DJI Terra to a website. Upon checking for you, you can embed a 3D model into a webpage. Please kindly note that .b3dm, .osgb, .obj、.s3mb、 i3s and .ply files generated by DJI Terra are universal file formats and can be embedded into webpages. You can find instructions for embedding each of these formats online. Currently, we do not have official videos or instructions to show its process. Please kindly search for the relevant information via YouTube, Google or our DJI Forum(https://forum.dji.com/?utm_sourc ... ite&from=footer), some users post their usage experience on this page. Thank you so much for your kind support and understanding of this matter."
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Flight distance : 8449826 ft
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United States

Team FYI I have found one solution that has a high potential of helping me in the request I have started above. The utility is called Nira.app

Does anyone know of competitor(s) to Nira? Thank you.
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