Over 61 hours with my Inspire 1, Here are my thoughts
769 1 2015-9-2
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United States

Hi everyone! I have finally passed the 61 hour mark with my Inspire 1. I got it back in February when I had an accident with it and had to send it in for repair, which I got back in March (thank you to Tahoe Ed for helping me through that process). Since then, I have really loved the Inspire.

I am currently using the quick release propellers. I have noticed that around 250 flights, the quick release hubs/adpaters begin to warp and wear down. I have already replaced one and will replace another tomorrow! So please be sure to check them every flight! Since the 50 hour mark with my Inspire, each 20 additional hours I will inspect the Inspire for faults. So far so good (knock on wood )

That's the good news... I am still on a occasion getting my iPhone disconnected from the remote. This is an issue I still want resolved and I am sure all of  you wan it resolved too. The battery info displayed on the APP is still INCORRECT!!!! The battery health is never accurate! It should be available capactiy divided by designed capacity of the battery in order to get an accurate health percentage! However, that is not the calculation they are using. They are simply counting how many charge cycles you go through, which is not an accurate way to come up with the battery health status.

I am still looking to see the advanced flight pattern features that were promised a while back (follow me, orbit, waypoints, and others)

I am still flying and loving my Inspire. I just wanted to share with you all my experiences so far. I already put over 700 miles on it
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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

Can you explain more about "warp and wear down". Have a picture?

How did you replace them then. With the DJI supplied torch wrench?
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