![]( First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States
Dogpilot Posted at 10-24 07:27
This discussion was also on a different forum. I hold many different ratings for aviation engineering. Which means I have the training and tools to measure many different factors relating to aircraft in general. Didn't need anything to elaborate to test out the performance differences. First off, in hover I could find no detectable difference, within the error of my instrument, in RPM. Power output in these are just changes in RPM, since the blades do not have adjustable pitch, like in helicopters. So if they were more efficient, then the prop would turn slower. The second test, sound level. Again at 1 meter in a hover, I could not detect a discernible difference in my instrument on measured DB level.
Now perhaps if I loaded up the drone, by hanging more weight to simulate forward flight, it might show more of a difference under heavy load. I just found nothing to measure that showed a difference in casual testing. Your milage may vary.
OBSERVED results are 5 minutes more flight time while stationary time lapse in 3-5 mph wind, from 28 minutes to 33 minutes. Same increase while flying in 10 to 15 mph winds. Same begin and end battery %. |