Flight distance : 94908 ft
United States
I flew my Inspire one yesterday 9/5/15.... Flight Time: 2:26....Flight Distance 2255.5 FT.....Max Height 178.8 FT.....100% Battery life.... some how I got disconnect and the Inspire one drop out from the sky into the water.....about 100 ft from the shorline.....could not retreat the Inspire one from the water.... How do I get the flight log from my Ipad and sent to DJI....My question is.... will DJI help give me a discount for a new Inspire One....???? I did not crash the inspire it just got disconnect and drop out of the's was a very sad thing but...I was happy that it didn't hurt anyone....when the Inspire drop out of the a flying was scary to see when Inspire drop out of the sky.....I guess when you get disconnect...the HOME BUTTON " do not work !!!" I Try.... Wow it very sad to see a $$$$ just drop out of the sky....( IMU was calibration and also compass was also calibration)...befor the flight
I have 20 + years in RC Plane and Heli...
flight log