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Solved: Mini 4 Pro Sphere, how to save the 30+ pictures, too?
1494 2 2023-12-25
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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United States

Found them! Did not see them with the RC, but after reading the SD card in Computer, they are there! My bad!
I just expected, that I would find them either in the RC SD, or in the bird. But tey are not showing up on RC Display. good to know.
Seems like a never ending story, with the mavic air it was the same. Just there, I found the option in the fly app (on phone), to save not just the sphere 360, but also keep the high quality single shots for the sphere.
Now I tried the same with, for the Mini 4 Pro AND the RC 2, but just there was no choice, except the JPEG, RAW and JPEG + RAW.

But I flew it indoors, to set the settings, perhaps it needs more air unter the drone, as 1m, to offer the inflight settings?
Just b/c the sphere was working, I assumed,the setting should do, too!

So, has anyone set the Sphere photo saving to ALL Photos, for ALL the Shots (30+, I think) AND the app created sphere?
Would it perhaps work in the Fly app on a phone?

Thanks and Merry X-Mas!

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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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United States

panovolo Posted at 12-25 10:17
yes it will save the photos into the dcim/panorama folder on sd card. Source images for each panorama will be saved into separate folders.


Thanks, your answer did let me pull the SD card and read it in a computer.
And there are the folders!
Merry Xmas!
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. We're glad that you managed to figure out this concern of yours. Please note that the unstitched files will be saved directly to the microSD card of the aircraft under the PANORAMA file folder. Should you have other inquiries, feel free to contact us. Thank you for your valued support.
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