Is there an Update to this topic? IMO that is very important and it could be a stand out point for DJI compared to other competitors.
I Just bought the Action 5 Pro and was disappointed to see, that i can only download the .jpg via the MIMO app, the same goes for the GoPro App and i hated it for this. There are severall App's wich can handle and develop .dng files. And if u want to the best quality possible out of your hardware(Actioncam or Drone) u want to develop the .dng file.
So it would be awesome to atleast give us the option to download the .dng via the app.I mean, u put ''Pro'' on the product, so please act like its for professionals.
I know, that there are other ways to get to the files(OTG adapter to the phone) but thats not so convinient on the move. I did it and it works and the quality bump compared to the .jpg is enormous.
Maybe a bit of context here:
Until now, i used the Hero11(other than a bit of software nothing changed hardware wise to the Hero13), i have to say, mainly for photos on the run. The quality of the .jpg always annoyed me, so i had a look on the .gpr files(.grp is repacked .dng - to develop it on mobile, just change the suffix to .dng - it realy works...) at home on the PC. After developing it, the final quality compared to the original .jpg is horrific. So i knew, i always want to develop the raw and not use the .jpg - of course on mobile, when im on the run, when no PC is in sight. But how?
The only way wich worked for me was to copy the .gpr files via and OTG adapter to the phone. Then change the suffix to .dng(also batch operation is possible). Then it can be imported to eg. Lightroom mobile. Develop the file and export it with a smaller resolution for social media. Done. The quality was(is) very good for an action cam and most people wont belive me when i sad i took the picture with and Hero11. The DR could be a bit better, but w/e, its an action cam. But i always needed to have the OTG adapter and another cable with me, that botherd me.
Fast forward in the present. GoPro has no more relevant hardware innovation and DJI is killing it latetly. The Action5Pro has a higher resolution, a bigger sensor and better DR so i wanted to try it out, mainly compare the photo quality to the Hero11. And i hoped, that i dont have to bring the OTG adapter and dont have to change the suffix to .dng because it captures it right away.
But, NO. Also DJI dosent gives us the option to download the raw .dng file to the phone. And i realy dont get why. Atleast i dont have to change the suffix now...
But atleast they released the new hig bitrate setting. With out this, u also could have renamed the product to ''Action 5'' with out pro...
So, i have some hope, that DJI release an update to the MIMO App that allows us to download the raw file. Maybe make a toggleble option in the settings wich enables this raw download. Like this the non-pro user's dont have to bother with the raw's.
Only my two cent's to this topic.