 Second Officer
United States
DJI Gamora Posted at 2-22 22:40
Thank you for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. Please know that compatibility matters can arise due to the vast number of devices available in the market, each with its unique specifications, hardware configurations, and operating systems. For instance, our team may test the app on a range of popular devices during the development phase. Still, it's not always possible to test on every individual device available.
Moreover, the compatibility of some devices may also depend on the particular version of the app or operating system they're running. That's why, as much as we endeavor to maintain compatibility with as many devices as possible, there may still be instances where some devices may not work as expected.
Good News, I now have DJI Fly App Version 1.12.8 working on my Samsung Galaxy Tablets A8 and the S2. When I first upgraded from Ver. 1.12.6 to the newer version, both tablets locked up with near Black Screen with just a hint of a Ghostly image of what should have appeared.
I contacted "DJI Gamora" an Administrator on the DJI Forum Web Site and Gamora recommended I try changing the "Zoom Level" on my devices…
Initially I was skeptical, but I gave it a try and "Lo 'n Behold" it worked… The A8 had Ver. 1.12.8 on it and it froze every time I launched it… However, after I changed the Zoom Level, the DJI App launched normally and runs perfectly…
The S2 had the older Ver. 1.12.6 on it, and after I changed its Zoom Level, I launched that one and the older App Asked to upgrade to the newer version and I OK'd it, the App upgraded and it also Launched the new App correctly and it also runs perfectly.
I only had to make a few changes on the DJI Fly App Menus. On the Control Menu, I Change the Units from Metric to Imperial and I chose the Larger Text in Display Zoom. Even the Upward movement of the Gimbal was still enabled… On the Camera Menu, I had to reselect the Gridlines as all were turned off.
Oh, one additionally point, I asked Gamora if DJI maintained a directory of past versions so that customers who experience issues with a new version can go to get an Official Release of the DJI Software and was informed the DJI does not do that and they recommend all customers run the latest software releases to enjoy the better operating experiences.
In the Graphic below, The Tablet's Zoom Control is in the Setup Menu of the Tablet, under the Display section. I increased the Zoom by one "notch" from position to "A" to position "B"
