DJI Gamora
djiuser_0RQHg9U3kdrI Posted at 4-24 14:16
Boa noite, tenho um Mini 4 Pro, Atualizei ele recentemente e na primeira tentativa de vôo pós atualização, não consigo se quer ligar os motores do drone, muito menos decolar, aparece o código 180059, Alguém pode me ajudar por favor!
Hi, djiuser_0RQHg9U3kdrI. Thank you for reaching out. The aircraft will disable vision sensors when it is on the ground to reduce power consumption. When the aircraft takes off, all vision sensors will be enabled and the error will be removed. Please feel free to use them. If you were not able to start the drone, can you please provide a video showing the operation for us to check? Please keep us posted. |