Second Officer
Flight distance : 1445581 ft
United States
DJIDronePete Posted at 4-14 09:31
So, the good news is that I can report that the overlay works on a Mini 3 Pro video as well.
The bad news (and this is probably nothing to do with the customisation) is that Dashware threw an error trying to render a 4K video. I got it to work by down converting to 720p (I saw someone report this worked for a very similar error). The error I got was "Error rendering in MediaFoundationMedai Foundation Error +-1072875852".
So, another question - should Dashware work with 4K videos and if so, what is the resolution to get it to work?
Before we start looking at something else, did you read my notes about the DashWare audio bug? If there is no audio track in the MP4 (as it happens with DJI drones), DashWare will throw an error when trying to render the Project. I do provide an easy workaround for that...
As for your other question, I have no problems rendering 4K videos in DashWare. Here's the details of a sample MP4 generated minutes ago from a DJI Mini 3 video (4K), with the silent audio workaround, using the Auto quality setting: