Cityscape from SOHO in Manhattan
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1809 76 7-14 13:53
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Cityscape from SOHO in Manhattan

7-14 13:53
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Nice to see the skyscrapers interspersed with green spaces.
7-14 22:59
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Cool shot Charles.  
7-15 00:33
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Very nice capture too!
7-15 01:57
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PS, how is the country waking up?
7-15 01:57
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Montfrooij Posted at 7-15 01:57
PS, how is the country waking up?

We are a little shocked at the latest events. Wondering how security let these things happen.
7-15 02:42
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BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 02:42
We are a little shocked at the latest events. Wondering how security let these things happen.

So am I.
Not good.
7-15 02:55
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Remarkable urban capture.    With a dense population like this it is easy to see why the subway system is the best way to commute.  
7-15 05:10
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Montfrooij Posted at 7-15 01:57
PS, how is the country waking up?

With respect to lack of security at the rally no doubt heads will roll if they haven't already.  According to eye witness reports there were at least two missed chance of keeping this even from happening. Law enforcement says if you see something, say something.  Well two people did but law enforcement failed at responding properly.   
7-15 05:13
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 05:10
Remarkable urban capture.    With a dense population like this it is easy to see why the subway system is the best way to commute.

I took the ferry in and walked six miles in 92 degree weather with a backpack on. Should have taken the subway.
7-15 08:19
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DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 05:13
With respect to lack of security at the rally no doubt heads will roll if they haven't already.  According to eye witness reports there were at least two missed chance of keeping this even from happening. Law enforcement says if you see something, say something.  Well two people did but law enforcement failed at responding properly.

Too many openings for this not to be set up by some group. We will probably never know hoe a 25 year old got on a rooftop 400 ft from this stage, paeople reported it, a cop went up and came back down after a gun was pointed at him. There is lots to explain Lucy.
7-15 08:26
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 05:13
With respect to lack of security at the rally no doubt heads will roll if they haven't already.  According to eye witness reports there were at least two missed chance of keeping this even from happening. Law enforcement says if you see something, say something.  Well two people did but law enforcement failed at responding properly.

Too many openings for this not to be set up by some group. We will probably never know hoe a 25 year old got on a rooftop 400 ft from this stage, people reported it, a cop went up and came back down after a gun was pointed at him. they got some explaining to do Lucy.
7-15 08:27
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BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 08:19
I took the ferry in and walked six miles in 92 degree weather with a backpack on. Should have taken the subway.

Hot day to be out for a stroll.  The subway seems to be a really reliable way to get around in NYC.  Not sure how safe the commute is but you don't have traffic under the ground.  
7-15 08:42
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DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 08:42
Hot day to be out for a stroll.  The subway seems to be a really reliable way to get around in NYC.  Not sure how safe the commute is but you don't have traffic under the ground.

Its been years since I've had to commute. I don't miss it. Lots more money but you kill 3 to 4 hours a day.
7-15 08:46
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BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 08:26
Too many openings for this not to be set up by some group. We will probably never know hoe a 25 year old got on a rooftop 400 ft from this stage, paeople reported it, a cop went up and came back down after a gun was pointed at him. There is lots to explain Lucy.

I hate to say it but that cop needs to be fired on the spot.  So far they aren't reporting anything to make it seem like the kid was radicalized.  Bullied in school and couldn't make the rifle team because he wasn't a good enough shot. Doesn't sound like a terrorist to me.  There is definitely more to the story.  

It is interesting that on the Monday prior to the shooting this occurred.  President Biden said on the call with major donors: “I have one job, and that's to beat Donald Trump. I'm absolutely certain I'm the best person to be able to do that. So, we're done talking about the debate. It's time to put Trump in a bullseye."  
7-15 08:47
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DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 08:47
I hate to say it but that copy needs to be fired on the spot.  So far they aren't reporting anything to make it seem like the kid was radicalized.  Bullied in school and couldn't make the rifle team because he wasn't a good enough shot. Doesn't sound like a terrorist to me.  There is definitely more to the story.  

It is interesting that on the Monday prior to the shooting this occurred.  President Biden said on the call with major donors: “I have one job, and that's to beat Donald Trump. I'm absolutely certain I'm the best person to be able to do that. So, we're done talking about the debate. It's time to put Trump in a bullseye."

It doesn't help that the week before he called him a dictator and said he would cause the unravelling of democracy.  It''s time for the nonsense to stop.
7-15 08:52
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 08:52
It doesn't help that the week before he called him a dictator and said he would cause the unravelling of democracy.  It''s time for the nonsense to stop.

as far as the cop. It's a locals small town with 25 police officers. They never thought they would have to stare down the barrel of an AK. But he should have been prepared.
7-15 08:53
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 08:46
Its been years since I've had to commute. I don't miss it. Lots more money but you kill 3 to 4 hours a day.

I commuted when stationed in Washington DC and also when I was stationed at the American Embassy in London.  Wasn't fun but no place to park a car so commute it was.  
7-15 08:58
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 08:52
It doesn't help that the week before he called him a dictator and said he would cause the unravelling of democracy.  It''s time for the nonsense to stop.

I agree with you 100% on that.  Political rhetoric is out of control and even more so when fueled by the biased media.  
7-15 08:59
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BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 08:53
as far as the cop. It's a locals small town with 25 police officers. They never thought they would have to stare down the barrel of an AK. But he should have been prepared.

Reminds me of the cops that didn't charge the room the shooter was in at that one school shooting. There hesitation caused several more kids to get killed.  If you are going to go into law enforcement you have to know up front that you might have to shoot somebody and that you are definitely going to be shot at.  Otherwise seek other employment.

I'm sure this will start up the take people's guns away again initiative.  You can outlaw guns but then only outlaws will have guns.
7-15 09:03
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 08:58
I commuted when stationed in Washington DC and also when I was stationed at the American Embassy in London.  Wasn't fun but no place to park a car so commute it was.

Understood. Same in NYC. parking is $45 for the day.
7-15 10:27
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 08:59
I agree with you 100% on that.  Political rhetoric is out of control and even more so when fueled by the biased media.

Now they want to turn the temperature down. It only took two dead people for them to realize they went a little too far.
7-15 10:29
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 09:03
Reminds me of the cops that didn't charge the room the shooter was in at that one school shooting. There hesitation caused several more kids to get killed.  If you are going to go into law enforcement you have to know up front that you might have to shoot somebody and that you are definitely going to be shot at.  Otherwise seek other employment.

I'm sure this will start up the take people's guns away again initiative.  You can outlaw guns but then only outlaws will have guns.

I don't think its' fear of shooting someone as much as it's fear of being shot. Those guys got scared.
7-15 10:30
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DowntownRDB Posted at 7-15 05:13
With respect to lack of security at the rally no doubt heads will roll if they haven't already.  According to eye witness reports there were at least two missed chance of keeping this even from happening. Law enforcement says if you see something, say something.  Well two people did but law enforcement failed at responding properly.

I'm sure they will roll.
This was a major flaw in security IMHO.
7-15 23:08
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 10:27
Understood. Same in NYC. parking is $45 for the day.

Yikes, and I thought $30 a day in DC was bad.  Seems everything goes up except salaries or wages.  
7-16 06:11
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BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 10:29
Now they want to turn the temperature down. It only took two dead people for them to realize they went a little too far.

Both sides were taking the heated rhetoric way too far and then the media just added fuel to the fire.  I've said for the last 4 years that politics are spiraling out of control.  
7-16 06:14
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-15 10:30
I don't think its' fear of shooting someone as much as it's fear of being shot. Those guys got scared.

So they put their life ahead of protecting many lives.  Sometimes you have to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of all.  
7-16 06:16
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Montfrooij Posted at 7-15 23:08
I'm sure they will roll.
This was a major flaw in security IMHO.

A huge embarrassment for the US Secret Service.  
7-16 06:32
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DowntownRDB Posted at 7-16 06:32
A huge embarrassment for the US Secret Service.

Yup. And also for the state of the society.
7-16 06:44
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-16 06:11
Yikes, and I thought $30 a day in DC was bad.  Seems everything goes up except salaries or wages.

It's getting ridiculous.
7-16 06:44
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-16 06:14
Both sides were taking the heated rhetoric way too far and then the media just added fuel to the fire.  I've said for the last 4 years that politics are spiraling out of control.

Maybe this will slow it down. Whipping people up is not the answer.
7-16 06:45
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-16 06:32
A huge embarrassment for the US Secret Service.

I would think so. They have allot to answer for here.
7-16 06:45
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-16 06:14
Both sides were taking the heated rhetoric way too far and then the media just added fuel to the fire.  I've said for the last 4 years that politics are spiraling out of control.

The media is trying to make the Superbowl out of every political event. Just state what you stand for. Lets keep score of what you accomplish and move on.
7-16 06:49
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United States

DowntownRDB Posted at 7-16 06:16
So they put their life ahead of protecting many lives.  Sometimes you have to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of all.

The secret service did a good job of protecting the president on stage. Someone didn't clear and secure the buildings.
7-16 06:52
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United States

Montfrooij Posted at 7-16 06:44
Yup. And also for the state of the society.

Society has been going down hill for sometime.  US Secret Service agents focus on protecting top U.S. and visiting foreign officials and this gaffe is a big black eye for them.  This incident will cost at least a few people their jobs and careers.
7-16 12:40
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-16 06:44
It's getting ridiculous.

Another contributing factor to homelessness.  California currently has a homeless rate of 43.7%.  
7-16 12:48
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BetterBizTech Posted at 7-16 06:45
Maybe this will slow it down. Whipping people up is not the answer.

"Truth", "accuracy", and "objectivity" were the cornerstones of journalism ethics when I was growing up.  Where did they go?

Elected officials had a code of ethics that stated they must act in the public's interest. Avoid losing or appearing to lose impartiality. Refrain from misuse of office for private gain. Serve as good stewards of public resources.  Guess that code was lost over the years.  
7-16 12:56
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-16 06:45
I would think so. They have allot to answer for here.

Sadly, several Secret Service Agents will lost their jobs and careers over this major security gaffe.
7-16 12:57
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-16 06:49
The media is trying to make the Superbowl out of every political event. Just state what you stand for. Lets keep score of what you accomplish and move on.

Amen to that.  
7-16 12:59
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United States

BetterBizTech Posted at 7-16 06:52
The secret service did a good job of protecting the president on stage. Someone didn't clear and secure the buildings.

They certainly did.  I know they struggled in trying to make him keep his head down to get off the stage but Trump had other ideas at the moment.  That raised fist will undoubtedly be a part of his electoral rallying cry now.  
7-16 13:00
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