Yaw control in gain
1686 7 2015-9-18
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United States

I assume the Yaw control in gain regulates the sensitivity to the stick. If I am correct then is 80 or 120 more sensitive.  I have experimeinted and I cant decide if I see a difference. Basically I am trying to make yaw much less sensitive so it is easier to feather. Any help is very much appreciated.
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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

I, too, would like some advice on this one....
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Second Officer
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l think the gains are the way the quad reacts to the external forces, keeping it hovering level in the same spot.
The expo values  can be altered to make the yaw stick less sensitive, l have mine set to 35 which is a bit too slow.

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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

Is there any custom settings that will make the yaw less 'abrupt'?   For example, the new setting for the gimbal tilt is awesome.....you release the gimbal wheel, but the camera still moves slowly until it 'gracefully' halts....it is more like how a person would adjust their movements than a 'robotic' left/right stop.   Any setting that can yelp with Yaw 'abruptness'?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

Flight Raptor Posted at 2015-9-18 18:41
Is there any custom settings that will make the yaw less 'abrupt'?   For example, the new setting fo ...

You may be struggling with something you just can't do. Not that it can't be done - maybe some of us are just never going to be that smooth. But you can "fudge."

Most editing software (I use GoPro studio) will permit "transitioning." Instead of just "jumping" from one clip to the next, you can smoothly "morph" from the end of one clip to the beginning of the next clip. You can use this technique - coupled with another trick - to solve your non-smooth yaw problem.

Let's say you have a 30 second clip where you take off, fly to a building, then fly part way around the corner (you can't fly out of sight!) of that same building. When you make the turn, your yaw just doesn't seem all that smooth. Go to the part of the clip where you start the turn. Identify how long the section is from where you started the turn to where you stopped turning (yawing). Cut that part out!!!

Now you have two clips. (Both clips are still in your editor. If everything goes to hell, i.e., you make a big mistake, your original clip is still there.) Using your editor, make the transition (see above again, if ncecessary) from the end of the first clip to the beginning of the second clip. The resultant clip will show you - like magic - go from one side, around the corner, with that smooth transition and your jerky yaw is gone forever. it's on the cutting room floor, so to speak.

The big secret of many, many, many good videos - just like most movies - is that they are not all shot at once. You can create a pretty impressive video by linking a number of clips. But, rather than just "splicing" one after another (i.e., jumping from one to the next, jump to the next, etc), use your editor and be creative with how you get from one clip to the next and then to the next and so on. A 30-second video artfully done with half a dozen clips is far easier on the eyes than a 30-second video shot all at one time.

Don't be afraid to experiment. You can futz with the original clip(s) an unlimited number of times - just be sure you always work with a copy of your clip - you can always - in the event of a huge boo-boo - fall back to your original clip(s) and start all over again.

Good luck.

Art Burke - N4PJ
Leesburg, FL
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United States

Awesome point Art.  Capitan thanks for the video.
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CapitAn Posted at 2015-9-19 00:01
l think the gains are the way the quad reacts to the external forces, keeping it hovering level in t ...

Not at all !

Gain reduces or increases the amount of power applied to the quad whatever stick input you apply.
Example 1 : if at 100% stick input and 100% gain Yaw value the quad can make a 360 turn in 1 second, at 80% it will turn 288° per second
Example 2 : if at 100% stick input and 100% gain Pitch value the quad go at 10m/s (horizontal), at 80% it will go at 8m/s

Exp : whatever value you choose, 100% stick input will ALWAYS result to 100% response applied to the quad (as you can see on the 3 graphics, at the end of the exponential curve X=Y !)
Going below 0,5 (the middle value or a straight line) allows you to reduce the response applied to the quad at the beginning of the stick movement.

Here is a table (with fictive values) just to help you understand.
Imagine you can go at 10m/s climb with 100% gain vertical value.
1) With a Throttle exp set to 0,5 (straight line, linear response) The result is like this :
10% stick = 1m/s
20% stick = 2m/s
30% stick = 3m/s
100% stick = 10m/s

2) Now, the same exp value but with a 80% vertical gain :
10% stick = 0,8m/s
20% stick = 1,6m/s
30% stick = 2,4m/s
100% stick = 8m/s

3) Now, a Throttle exp value of 0,3 with a 100% vertical gain :
10% stick = 0,7m/s
20% stick = 1m/s
30% stick = 1,5m/s
40% stick = 2m/s
50% stick = 3m/s
100% stick = 10m/s

4) The same 0,3 Throttle exp with a 80% gain value result in the same results as above minus 20% (from 0 to 100% stick).

All these values are fictive as I don't have the exact equation of the exp curve. The goal is to eplain you the relation between gain and exp settings.

Another important setting is the "Brake" one : it sets the way the quad stops when you release the pitch stick. For smooth video it is better to go a little bit below 100, with one disadvantage... if you have to suddenly avoid an obstacle, the quad will react more slowly. In my opinion (and for my very smooth style of flying) I prefer a lower value resulting in less constraint to everything in the quad. If I have to make a video of my paramotorist friends, then I put this value to 110 (this is really the only case for me)

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Second Officer
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Ulysse Posted at 2015-9-18 19:54
Not at all !

Gain reduces or increases the amount of power applied to the quad whatever stick inpu ...

Good to know!
Thank you for the thorough explanation.
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