United States
I got my P3P last tuesday September 15, 2015 and the battery of the remote seems to be stuck in 68%. Once I got my P3P the first thing I did was charge the flight battery, once the flight battery was fully charge I inserted it in the aircraft. I then conected the remote control to the charger and saw that it had 3 white leds going from left to right as if it was charging. It did this for a while, probably about an hour or so. During this time I proceded to update the firmware in the aircraft to v1.4.0010. After some time had passed the update had finished successfully and the remote control leds were no longer moving. At this time I proceded to turn on the aircraft and remote with my iPhone conected to the remote. Everything powerd on and seem to work fine, however after going throgh the aircraft status tab I noticed that the remote control battery was at 68% and I also saw that the leds in the remote only had 3 on instead of 4. I conected the remote to the charger again and the leds blicked from left to right up to 3 leds for about 10 min and then turned off. My assumption is that the remote controlo is fully charged but it is only registering up to 68%. I have flown the Phantom 4 times and recharged after every flight. It always registers 68%. Always. I even turned the aircraft and remote control on and let them sit there for over an hour until the flight battery was completly drain down to like 20%. At this time the remote control was still at 68%. I'm begining to think that it is only registering 68% even if it is bellow 68% and this can be dangerous because I can run out of battery in mid flight. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to be as detaild and thorough because I havent been able to find anyone with this problem.
Any help or suggestions are welcome!