DJI Wanda
Hi, there
We apologize for the inconvenience that you are encountering.
Kindly remind you that only the account holder has right to unbind the drone with the account. This limitation is used to protect the ownership of the product, and in respect of the privacy rules and regulations. Could you please let us know where you purchase this product?
1. If you purchased the drone from DJI official channel(such us DJI Store/Service Center, Amazon LLC, Bestbuy LLC, or local dealer), you will need to offer the order number or case number and proof of purchase for further checking.
2. If you purchased the drone by private transactions/second-hand platform. You need to contact the seller and ask them to log in to the DJI Fly app and unbind the account. After the account has been successfully unbound, you can then log in using your own account.
Also, for your question about posting the thread, Kindly remind you that if you are New Group, which gets points less than 40, cannot post threads.
You can read our Forum Rule & Regulations by this link: ... &extra=page%3D1
Thanks for your understanding.