United States
It was getting dark so I could only try the 70mm. Got 40 shots x 5 frames per bracket = 200 pictures @ 12Mpx. I decided to dump all DNGs into PTGui without running them through LR (i.e. no ML-based sharpening or NR applied). It worked just fine. PTGui failed to find control points in just one image. It's a pretty standard thing imho with sky / clouds. I added 3 control points, removed tone mapping, etc, flattened the output curve (so it would look like a log profile at the end), and produced a 1.6GB PSD file. Processed in LR to taste. 255Mpx panorama. Lots of details. The 24mm equiv lens would produce 8-10 images (x 5) to cover the same FoV. The only downside - it took ~10% of the charge to get this one panorama done.
Compared to the in-drone stitched jpeg - wider angle, especially vertically, significantly higher editing latitude, but blurry cars Not a huge deal. Theoretically, if merged correctly in PS, they could be avoided, or simply stamped out later. Also, the drone produced a 58Mpx panorama. So it's basically a quarter of what's possible to get @ 12Mpx.
Overall I liked this 70mm camera. Good quality for such a tiny lens / sensor.
Here's the result, ~430MB png: