Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
I have got a similar situation, but without a wind and radio signal loss.
I got a compass error, Phantom switched to atti mode and i got vision loss. It was happily at about 80 meters and there was no high obstacles. After a loosing of vision i pushed the throttle open to climb and i pushed RTH button. Over a dozen of seconds Phantom got GPS back and start a RTH procedure. After a few seconds i got vision back.
It is important to climb at emercency atti situation to get safe altitude (to avoid obstacles and get a clear radio area, altitude stabilisation is still working), have a not obscured line of sight, set a safe RTH altitude, and correctly recorded homepoint, and after that even if phantom drif because of wind it will gain GPS soon or later and start RTH procedure correctly. GPS/compass loss are temporary in most cases and after drift (or go higher by a climb) from 'jammed' area GPS-mode will back.
In my case, propably a metal bridge below caused a compass error |