If you use Gound station, why?
858 1 2015-10-31
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Second Officer

United States

There is a lot of discussion on safety and flying line of sight as per the FAA guidelines. However, the apps have waypoint flying and of course autonomous flying is not within the guidelines. Do you think you can do the way point flying and do it safely. I know I fly GS all the time due to my location and terrain. I have a lot of trees almost like Forrest and intertwined in there are a lot of rivers. That why they call my area Tidewater. Our rivers are tidal from the ocean and are like snakes. If I fly 300 ft away from my house I can lose my craft in the trees at 135 ft altitude. So. I map out and do flights all the time using autonomous flying. I feel that my amped plans are very clean, well thought out and very safe. I know it's not within the FAA guidelines but a lot safer than a lot of pilots flying over people, cars etc in city environments.
If you fly way points what are your conditions and thoughts. I believe with waypoint flying more thought out and has more  concern for safety going into the planning. What do you think? I know I fly out around 3 to 3.5 miles sometimes but I alway return with the 20-25% reserve. Safety is my number one concern. So.... How about you?
Use props

United States

What app are you using that will allow you to fly 3+ miles away?
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