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GPX Files from Inspire 1
2016 4 2015-12-4
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

I guess this might be a silly question... this is however my first Camera Drone so please be paitent..... Does the inspire 1 produce a .gpx file or can I produce a .gpx file from flight logs?  
The main reason I ask is most of the flying I do is more for amatuer mapping and exploration purposes.
In certain circumatances I can see real Value to adding overlays to my videos using software such as Virb Edit.... Things such as the  the Latitude & Longitude being burned into a video is real handy in some situations.
Currently the only software I know to do this is Virb Edit...however I would need a gps track and for the gps time to match the camera time.
Does anyone here have any experiance with this? or perhaps there might be a better way? im still new to camera drones but I am having fun learning...
All advice is much appreciated.


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DJI Team
Hong Kong

as i remember you can turn on subtitles in your player and see the GPS data
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

You'd have to create a file compliant to the GPX format from the srt file that the inspire generates.
Exactly how you do that is an exercise in copy/paste and find/replace approaching the ninja level..
Unless there's a web tool out there already.

best of luck.
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Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

DJI-Tim Posted at 2015-12-6 19:26
as i remember you can turn on subtitles in your player and see the GPS data

This is good info.... if I can do this, Then that is all i really need for my purposes. This method would be even better then what I was thinking , because the data is only there when I want or need it..(Via Subtitles)
Thus leaving a nice clean 4k video..... and that is the real reason i bought an inspire.
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Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

Farnk666 Posted at 2015-12-6 20:12
You'd have to create a file compliant to the GPX format from the srt file that the inspire generates ...

This is also good info... defiantly something to file away in my mental Logs.(I'm might even try and learn how for personal improvement)..... in the long, I'm hoping for ease of data management .... simialr to just saving the flight logs. I think I'm going to need a very less ninja type approach
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