pc screens work at 60 Hz, so that a movie at 25 fps will ALWAYS show 5 glitches per second when seen on a pc screen. A movie at 25 fps is perfectly smooth when seen on EU TV screens, which work at 50 Hz (PAL). It is a well known problem of cinema films, shot at 24 fps. In EU, all cinema movies (shot on films) are always accelerated of 25/24 when projected on TV channels. In US, TV screens work at 60 Hz like all pc screens, so that US citizens have not this problem: movies at 30 fps work as well on pc screens and US TV screens. So the sense of 25 fps is evident: if you want to sell a movie to EU TV channels, it must be at 25 or 50 fps. If you wish to put the same movie on youtube, you must convert it to 30 fps to avoid the 5 glitches per second on pc screens. |