United Kingdom
Hi this is just to help those that are having trouble with single operator setup using Lightbridge, A2, Zenmuse HD gimbal and Futaba 14SG
I spent ages trying to figure this out and I finally got it working. Looked everywhere for help and I never found it so I spent 3 days scratching my head trying to work it out.
So basically I have the normal functions of the controller working - all apart for Intelligent Orientation Control - as I don't use it- I decided to use the channel for an extra gimbal function.
So here's what I did
1. Follow the lightbridge/a2 setup video from DJI. what confuses me was you don't need to have any servo cables from A2 to the GCU unit- I.e leave the A2 servo plugs F2, F3 etc. These become redundant with Lightbridge.
The idea is you want to have Lightbridge transfer all your signals as you don't want interference over 2.4ghz.
2. On the futaba, goto Sys --> Trainer, scroll down to bottom and change the channels to 12. ideally 16 would have been better but I couldn't get this to work. - if anyone does please let me know.
3. Now install the Lightbridge Assitant App, this was a pain as it doesn't support Mac yet, so I had to install Parallels and install windows through that.
Make sure you get the DJI win driver too.
4. Power on Lightbridge and plug the USB cable into the Transmitter ground unit. then launch the driver installer- it should install the driver and just to make sure it's working correctly, if you goto Device Manager in Control Panel you should see a DJI driver with no warning symbols.
Then install the Lightbridge Assistant software.
5. Plug the trainer port cable into the back of the Futaba 14sg. Now this is important, use the small training cable - Looks like a stereo jack (the black stereo jack goes into the Lightbridge). the red cable plug goes into the trainer port cable female end.
6. Open the Lightbridge Assistant app and Click on the Channels tab. You should see an option to select you gimbal type with a radio button- I set it to GH3.
Then click on Calibration.
7. On this page you should see Main RC then Secondary RC.. Ignore the secondary RC function.
Make sure all the sticks are central - LD, RD and especially the 2 twiddly things on the left and right underside of the controller (I mapped these for Pan and Tilt.)
Click Calibration under the Main RC - this is important because when you selected 12 channel on the Futaba - it would have messed up the signals min/max on each channel.
Push all the sticks to their min max. On the thumbsticks go around in circles. Make sure you also do the twiddly ones underneath and the LD, RD ones - THEN RETURN THESE TO CENTER.
Once done click next, then close.
8. On the original screen where you can select Gimbal 5D, BMPCC or GH3). This is where you map your channels. (the button beside the mode - just select it then select the channel number to assign it). It helped to have the s900 plugged into the battery and running so I can see the gimbal moving to the commands.
My channels are as follows but you can make them to your liking. As mentioned I don’t use IOC so I had a spare channel to map.
A. = 1 E. = 2 T. = 3 R = 4 5. = 5 6. Unmapped U. = 7 8. = 8 Roll = 12 Tilt = 9 Pan = 10 Mode = 6 SHUT = 11
I really hope this guide helps people. It really frustrated me trying to figure it out!!! I hope we get support for 16 channels as some of the gimbal mapping isn't ideal!