United Kingdom
Hi all,
Since purchasing my (second hand) Inspire (& before I stumbled upon this brilliant forum) I have always been a good boy & followed DJI's firmware update instructions.
A couple of days ago I purchased a pair of new TB48 batteries, after reading about such things on this forum I decided to ignore the "update firmware" message & went out for a flight.
The first thing I noticed was that I didn't get the usual nanny state temperature warnings (I live in the north of England DJI, it MIGHT get above 15 Celcius in summer (this temperature limit must really P off those of you that live somewhere that gets properly cold!)), the second thing I noticed was the available speed! I clocked 44mph at one point!
I know that DJI probably mean well & are trying to preserve the life of the LiPo but can I roll back the firmware on my other (TB47) batteries?
Can I also rollback the firmware on the aircraft so that it won't force me to upgrade to the impending 1.7?
Thank you,