Kit Walker
Using that recent crash as an example (I think it was like this sorta).., the drone would have just travelled back no problem because it was only 1km away, or under. Plenty of time to get back, even in strong wind.
If the drone did lots of zig zags along the way, instead of a straight line.., you could use GPS to calculate distance to give an average battery consumption for the flight time.., perhaps even taking into consideration the cell voltages.., to create an algorithm which would tell the drone;
IF> In WRTH (waypoint RTH), use power consumption algorithm X
Even if the drone loses signal behind that building/hill/tree/interference.., with say 40% battery at 1km away.., then it would it would be just as quick for the drone to just STOP.., and turn back.
After about 5 seconds.., the drone would regain signal.
This is much better than the RTH kicking in, and hoping you knew the exact height each time.., and potentially being wrong, and crashing.
A strategic retreat would overcome the risks immediately.
Perhaps DJI would also like to allow pilots to change the 'RC Signal Lost' options DURING flight (providing RC and bird are now connected).The pilot could then initiate the traditional RTH in a straight line procedure.

So, as the pilot flies from TOP of the beach, along the coast.., the drone would be making waypoints every 3-10 seconds (or whatever).
When signal is lost.., it would stop (as normal), and initiate a return back to the previous automatic waypoint that was set.