black video screen, but telemetry there
1244 3 2016-2-21
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United States

Hi all, This seems to be a common problem on a lot of chatrooms but I haven't found a solution. I don't fly my phantom 2+ often, but about a month ago I found that when I open the app on my iphone 4s,  I get a black screen with  a spinning wheel for the video feed. All the other info is available (battery life, gps, etc), but I am not getting a live video feed. I can take photos and video and move the camera. I have tried rebinding, closing all the apps on my phone, deleting the app and downloading it again. Even tried doing it in airplane mode. I didn't know if anyone had found a solution.

Dji basically said to send it in and they would take a look at it. No hard landings, etc for over a year.

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One thing to try is to put the preview resolution down to the minimum and see if you get the video feed if you do work your way slowly up in preview resolution.
If you don't get a video feed then there is a chance that the 2.4GHz Video transmitter is damaged due to overheating and may need to be changed out.

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Second Officer


PanamonCreel Posted at 2016-2-22 01:09
One thing to try is to put the preview resolution down to the minimum and see if you get the video f ...

Yes, i had heard talk of a newer vented version to minimize heate but have not seen one, i have a spare RC which i use only on occasion as my other has an itelite panel so not an issue for me.

OP, have you tried another phone//tablet, not that it would make a difference, also, have you done any updates lately that may have affected it?
Double check all cables are firmly seated in the gimbal, it does not take much for a poor connection on these things.
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United States

PanamonCreel Posted at 2016-2-21 12:09
One thing to try is to put the preview resolution down to the minimum and see if you get the video f ...

Thanks for replying, already tried the resolution adjustment. I was hoping not to have to send it in, but it looks like the video transmitter may be the image
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