United States
yea, I noticed the exact same problem yesterday, my horizon was off. I kept on changing it to level, and as soon as i'd take off, it'd go off level again. What I finally figured out (after two batteries worth of hovering, trying to get it right) was that when I was hovering, the horizon was off. As soon as I started flying, the horizon straightens out immediately. I'd stop again, the level would go off, id fly, it'd immediately go even. I'm thinking the majority of the people who are reporting this problem are talking about when their P4 is hovering, correct? That's why it's so off when you start flying, because you actually offset it when you changed it's roll in the settings. I don't know why it's not level when hovering (it should be), but I tested this extensively yesterday. This is the case, at least with mine. Everybody who has reported this problem, please test this on your next flight and report your results back to this thread for further analysis. Thank you. |