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RC update via Thumb drive for version RC 1.2 OR Blue Light onRC
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NOTE:  This works best if you happen to have interupted the firmware update to the transmitter and now have a blue light on the transmitter.  Also if you happen to have a system that has the original firwmare (1.2 ) still loaded to the transmitter, then you MUST use this procedure to get to 1.3 , then from here updates are copleted via the RC transmitter hooked up to the go app which has internet connection .  This may also work if you have a bricked RC and dont kn ow what to do .  I can tell you after version 1.6 on the Firmware for the RC this workaround will not work , only to version 1.6.  after that it just wont work anymore .

Below is  link 1.3 for the RC transmitter  if needed .  Thanks to member Rich for the link!! ... JxMdkUQD5lTepa?dl=0

I have had a few forum members who have had remarkable success with a simple but effective technique to bring there RC Transmitters back from the dead.  The cause of the RC Transmitter failures has varied, one had his Transmitter Battery die halfway through the update, another was using a "Cell Network" for the data transfer ( Not a good idea, always use fixed WI -FI )  and yet another thought the upload was finished and  pulled  out before finishing, this is called "Firmware  Interruptus"........JOKE  .  The Solution to the "Bricked RC Transmitter" (Light Blue Light and does nothing) goes back to the good old days of simply using a Thumb Drive  To update.  To Start make sure You have a strong Charge on the RC Transmitter, then Format some type of Thumb Drive or Stick drive whatever you want to call it , as long as it fits in the USB Drive of the Transmitter.  Be sure to wipe it clean ( Format)  100%.  The file you are loading is a BIN file and it needs to be in the "Root Directory "........DONNIE, WHAT IS THE ROOT DIRECTORY  ? "....Glad you asked , the Root directory is just a fancy name meaning it is not in a folder , it is the first thing you see, you dont open anything to get to it.  Here is the file, just  download it to your downloads folder, then drag and drop: ... _FW_V01.06.0000.bin                                                        on to the thumb drive ( Or similar device ) .  Once again making sure it is the only file  on the portable device .  Now with the RC Transmitter off ( AND PLEASE MAKE SURE THE AIRCRAFT IS OFF ) Place the Thumb Drive into the USB port and then Turn on the RC Transmitter, THERE MAY BE A DELAY OF UP TO 1- 5 MINUTES   you should hear some beeping which will be a welcome relief after you more than likely have been pulling your hair out. The light will no longer be  light blue  and should now  be Red --   Give it time, once the beeping has stopped ( It will make several  beep tone , beat changes ) may take around  to 7-10 minutes, the update should be finsihed, look for the LIGHT TO  CHANGE (  Some have said it was a solid green )   and no more Beeps , YOU HAVE ENTERED NIRVANA   Take the Thumb Drive out and place in the computer and just like on the aircraft  SD card look for a "Success" log.  Also double check on the Go app that you have the proper RC  Versions loaded .

***Keep in mind you can use several variants of the thumb drive, I use a SD card reader that has a 6 inch extension that plugs into the USB port.  That way I can use my one of my many  SD cards.  I provide a couple of pictures below for example .   Look way at the bottom .

Hope this helps someone, til' then                                               

Fly Safe- brother donnie



SD card adapter with usb extension

SD card adapter with usb extension
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Donnie, I did a reset on a RC and thought it would take it lower than 1.3 and a firmware on USB would be required to update to 1.3 then use the app to get to 1.5.8.
BUT, after resetting the RC, the app said RC requires firmware update and downloaded and installed through the app.
I have not played with the RC BIN file as I've been able to fix every RC by the reset (C1,C2,video, camera settings dial) then power up the RC.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-5 17:04
Donnie, I did a reset on a RC and thought it would take it lower than 1.3 and a firmware on USB wo ...

       Ken I tell you I have had at least 4 forum  members now  who have e-mailed me or on other threads that say the FW link (1.5) has worked.  As the matter of fact I have had 2 Accommodation's set up for my next trip to Germany , a Canadian who want's to take me out drinking on his tab, and 1 UK marriage proposal ( Although I had to tell him I dont swing in that direction )  I am just thrilled that we have a couple of fixes to help members with bricked RC transmitters .
The way you are doing it with the C1 C2 and pushing down the iso wheel and powering the RC on and off. This is done with the aircraft OFF correct ?  Also you are not waiting for any tone , like when manually  re- linking the RC and aircraft (Before you press the iso wheel wait for tone )   You are just pressing all three buttons downs and then On \Off Transmitter correct? ( Like a Video RC refresh)  

With the method that I have been recommending the RC is stuck  with the Light blue first LED and will give no tones . They upload to 1.5 and that is it.  No updates necessary with go app .  Give my method  a try and see if you get any marriage proposals .....

Also have you found a definitive way for members to get rid of the PLUS  (1.60) + sign after updates. I keep telling them to make sure the " go app device "gets an internet connection and this should flip it to 1.7.  any other ideas Ken ?   

Cheers -donnie

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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-6 06:35
Ken I tell you I have had at least 4 forum  members now  who have e-mailed me or on other th ...

Ha Ha that's funny, it's really cool talking to people all over the world isn't it
I'm really happy that the BIN file is helping worst case scenarios.
The reset I am wondering if that BIN still takes the RC below 1.3, or if now takes it to 1.3.
The reset process I am doing is all 4 buttons pressed in THEN power up the RC (no tones are made) and that process takes it to 1.3. Then plug in the app (RC still on) and it will say RC requires firmware upgrade, it downloads and installs to 1.5.8 from the app.
Aircraft OFF.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-5 19:20
Ha Ha that's funny, it's really cool talking to people all over the world isn't it
I'm really h ...

       Ken -I see now , the 4 button reset and then open the App.  I get it.   The BIN file  FYI will take it to 1.60.and you are good to fly.  And you are correct Russia, Germany, Italy,  Belgium, Netherlands and Some Poofs inn the UK .  ( Nothing wrong with that , just not me type) The Internet really makes it a small world.  

Ok, just to claify, ( I-pad is the device in example) With RC  off but connected to ON I pad , you do the 4 button reset and then ( 4 buttons still pressed ) turn ON  the  Transmitter . Now open the app ( Or Plug in Lightining Cable )  and it will say Firmware needs update. { HERE IS THE QUESTION} Now the I-pad must have wi-fi internet running this whole time so that the update can begin correct.  And the Aircraft , doing an update is  course is OFF.

Sorry, I am detail oriented and dont want to miss anything.  After my Head Injury I developed more Intense OCD ( Which by the way should be CDO.....Proper order  ) So sorry for the million clarifications.

I told DJI -Tim That I was trying to get my, "Repair Stats" from 80 to 95%.  I always say that  the last 5% you will never be able to get through to......  these are the ones that think the movie "Deliverance" was a Love story.   

Have a great Day - Donnie

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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-6 21:16
Ken -I see now , the 4 button reset and then open the App.  I get it.   The BIN file  FYI wi ...

Yes, that's correct. All 4 buttons pressed then turn on the RC (aircraft off the whole time) and I don't think it really matters if you have the app open or not. but when the the RC powers off and the device recognizes it (WiFi ON) then it will say RC requires update.
Go ahead and try for yourself, it's really easy and you will not mess up anything.
Since the BIN takes it to 1.5.8, then this way is pretty much doing the same thing. BUT if this doesn't not help your RC, then the BIN may be required.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-5 19:20
Ha Ha that's funny, it's really cool talking to people all over the world isn't it
I'm really h ...

Ok great, I think I have it now  , now one other ( there is always one more ......) thing Mr. Ken......

"Also have they  ( DJI tech's )  found a definitive way for members to get rid of the PLUS  (1.60) + sign after updates. I keep telling them to make sure the " go app device "gets an internet connection and this should flip it to 1.7.  any other ideas Ken ?   

Thanks   -  donnie

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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 01:52
Ok great, I think I have it now  , now one other  ( there is always one more ......) thing Mr. Ken. ...

for the Phantom the latest is 1.7. So you would get 1.7.60+.
If you take it outside and let the aircraft get full GPS lock for a few minutes then power off and back on the plus should be gone. I just tried and that's how it works.
So you are saying it says 1.6+, after GPS lock it will still say 1.6 but the + will be gone.
The latest firmware update for the Inspire is 1.7 BUT that is the camera and the aircraft is still 1.6.40 since the latest 1.7 firmware update only had a camera update and nothing was updated on the aircraft.
So, the firmware numbers will stay the same and not go from 1.6= to 1.7.
Hope I explained it ok.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-6 14:35
for the Phantom the latest is 1.7. So you would get 1.7.60+.
If you take it outside and le ...

Personally I am fine.   A forum member on the Phantom Advanced  was currently up to date when 1.6 was the last update.  When 1.7 came out they did the update and it said "Success" on the SD card log BUT the "About" page on the Go App said 1.6.0040 +   So I told the member to make sure they fired up with the GO APP being last and to make sure the Device had internet access so the GO  APP would update with DJI system and then it would go to 1.7.  The problem is that it has been several days and it has not done so yet.  My next idea was to re-load the go app but many pilots ( the one I am working with)  are freaked out  and afraid they will damage there equipment and with all the  Unfounded "horror Stories, they are afraid of bricking the system .( You and I know this wont happen but the stories get meshed together and it makes pilot nervous)

So what do you think?  I have never heard of updating to 1.7 and getting the + sign of 1.7 +  Are you sure that is what you meant?  It has been my experience if  the next update is 1.7 and I am current at 1.6 and I do the update with success It comes out as 1.6.0040 +  

I am just wanting to make sure you meant what you posted, if so I have not seen the + sign problem this way.
Also you say in general that the + sign will go away with the next flight when the aircraft has proper lock with GPS.  Is what I heard about the servers wrong then?  Or I heard when DJI rebooted their servers the +sign problem went away.  I know that is what happened for me.  The camera was updated to 1.7 but locked at + then he Re-boot of the servers and it rolled to 1.7 for my camera.
I am posting a picture of my last 1.7 update of my inspire .  1.6 was already current on my system.  I loaded 1.7 and had success on the SD card but My "about" page was listed with1.6.00.40 with a + sign .  This problem went away after the DJI servers re-booted or I did a GO app re-load, i cant quite remeber.  Any way my point is that it did not say 1.7 +

Also be sure to get to me last, my questions can wait, I really appreciate all the help ,( when you help me I can help others)  I know you are busy . Plus I ask for very specific answers Sorry, like I said , whack on the head will do it, - donnie

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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 03:53
Personally I am fine.   A forum member on the Phantom Advanced  was currently up to date when 1.6 w ...

OK, I'm taking everything back we are testing out things right now and my getting GPS and the + going away may not be the answer because we've tried a few more and the + remains.
What I can say is let's all try tomorrow and see what happens.And yes, I updated to 1.7 on the P3P and got the 1.7.60+, then went outside and got GPS. came back in said 1.7.60 (and no +)

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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 03:53
Personally I am fine.   A forum member on the Phantom Advanced  was currently up to date when 1.6 w ...

And the Inspire aircraft is 1.6.0040, the camera is 1.7 so only the camera update would be changed in the About page. ... _Note_en_160317.pdf
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-6 15:48
And the Inspire aircraft is 1.6.0040, the camera is 1.7 so only the camera update would be changed ...

Ken I totally understand that 1.7 update was only for the camera.  Did you notice my "About Page "  it had the old FW with a + sign and this was after I dd my update to 1.7.
and that of course why my aircraft is at 1.6 after the update.  Because there was no update ot the aircraft on the camera on the Inspire 1

Now we have the update of 1.8 so that means that many pilots are going to have the + sign after the old FW even though they had success loading the new one.  I only had this happen one time since I owned my Inspire and never with my P3P.  

Why do you think the GPS Lock would have anything to do with clearing the + sign.  There should be someone in programming at DJI who should have this answer.  I am not being a smarty either, The Upper level folks must give you the information if you are going to be on the front lines answering consumer questions.  I feel bad for ya.

Let me know what you foind out on this , WE know that question is coming !!!
Any Lurkers out there my example is for my Inspire 1

Thanks ken- brother donnie

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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 20:57
Ken I totally understand that 1.7 update was only for the camera.  Did you notice my "About Page "  ...

I took it upon myself to say it was the GPS.
So after everyone updates to 1.8 the + should not be there.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-7 09:24
I took it upon myself to say it was the GPS.
So after everyone updates to 1.8 the + should not be  ...

Ok , I am doing mine right now .Thanks  for the Help.

Cheers - donnie
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 22:37
Ok , I am doing mine right now .Thanks  for the Help.

Cheers - donnie

I have lots to test on, I'm doing a P4 right now and will do several Inspires (V1,V2, Pro) and lots of Phantoms. So we'll see if any produce the +.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-7 09:39
I have lots to test on, I'm doing a P4 right now and will do several Inspires (V1,V2, Pro) and lot ...

Same problem as before ken,this is getting old.
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 23:25
Same problem as before ken,this is getting old.

I hear ya brotha
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I get that positive sign again after my upgrade and it keeps asking me to upgrade my firmware on the aircraft again.   Sorry I  know you are struggeling to find a cause - solution.  Let me know if ya'll do . The weather is pretty bad in Michigan for the next couple days, so I am grounded any way.  I have "Success" on the log by the way.  I just thought they would have had this figured out by now, instead they make you folks in the front lines deal with it.  Not cool .  
Thanks- donnie
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 23:57
I get that positive sign again after my upgrade and it keeps asking me to upgrade my firmware on th ...

I just updated an Inspire and here's my About page.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-7 11:18
I just updated an Inspire and here's my About page.

Show Off....

I dont know Bro.....  Why Me Lord !!!!

It will  update eventually , I just would like to the  Why ?

Cheers- donnie
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 00:20
Show Off....

I dont know Bro.....  Why Me Lord !!!!

I'm going to do an Inspire Pro right now, will post the results
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 00:20
Show Off....

I dont know Bro.....  Why Me Lord !!!!

No +
At least they have the camera/aircraft the same firmware# as well as it's the same on the Inspire X3 too so that will cause less confusuion.
Inspire Po update.PNG
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-7 11:52
No +
At least they have the camera/aircraft the same firmware# as well as it's the same on the  ...

Ken , I love ya ( not love  like the Poof from the UK ) but what do I do about mine ?  I know I did the update correctly , I even have proof.  I am using an I pad air to support the GO  APP.  What are you loading to ?

Wonder if that has any bearing on it?,  It would be the only variable
I will just give it a day or two, I will power cycle the RC\ aircraft on and off.  Also make sure the Go app can get to Internet......see what happens

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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 01:06
Ken , I love ya ( not love  like the Poof from the UK ) but what do I do about mine ?  I know I did ...

I am also using an Air, maybe the only difference is the aircraft isn't getting GPS lock in our building but that would be opposite of what I performed yesterday.

try this, sync the flight records then delete the and reinstall the app. Then turn off your data and WiFi then  power everything up and + should be gone. and when you turn data/WiFi back on the + should stay gone.
See if that works.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-7 12:30
I am also using an Air, maybe the only difference is the aircraft isn't getting GPS lock in our bu ...

So , I went to just check on it, I did not update the go app or change anything ............ Drum-roll   please come on baby.... 1.8 Yes !!!!!  Now if you can explain that one .................don't bother let me believe in some Angel just earning their wings by helping good old donnie boy out ........................

Q- the Harp Music ....Thanks Ken,   Maybe miracles do happen......  who's cutting onion's around, here sniffle sniffle...
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 04:22
So , I went to just check on it, I did not update the go app or change anything ............ Drum-r ...

NICEEEE !, I sent the + fairy to you
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United States

With today's FW update my RC (GL300B) bricked and has a light bluish/white light where it should be Red/Green/etc... Has anyone experienced this? Did you find a way back from it? I tried as listed above and it won't do anything. It simply sits there lit up. Neither my Mobile Phone nor Tablet with now detect it and I cannot pair it to my P3P. I spoke with tech support and they were less than helpful, but ultimately said send it in. I really don't want to go that far because I've only flown it a couple times since I bought it a few months back. Thanks in advance! -Rain
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rain@digitalcam Posted at 2016-4-7 16:58
With today's FW update my RC (GL300B) bricked and has a light bluish/white light where it should be  ...

Rain if you have a blue light on the Transmitter please try my NEW file I have updated today Friday  April 8 2016 .

Let me know if it works


I thought I had this updated yesterday but it did not lock for some reason.
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 22:28
Rain if you have a blue light on the Transmitter please try my NEW file I have updated today Frida ...

Again, thanks for being a huge help in the forum
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-8 09:38
Again, thanks for being a huge help in the forum

My pleasure, I get great satisfaction helping others .  Thanks for noticing though ...means a lot .

Cheers -donnie
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 22:50
My pleasure, I get great satisfaction helping others .  Thanks for noticing though ...means a lot  ...

No problem at all.
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We need to bump this thread  Ken , Keep it up top for a bit .

cheers donnie
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-9 21:40
We need to bump this thread  Ken , Keep it up top for a bit .

cheers donnie

Ok, one free bump
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rain@digitalcam Posted at 2016-4-8 05:58
With today's FW update my RC (GL300B) bricked and has a light bluish/white light where it should be  ...

Thank you, Donnie.

It didn't work. I spoke with tech and ended up having to send it in.

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Thank you Donnie. I had updated my RC through the app but that didn't work. Used your link and success!
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rain@digitalcam Posted at 2016-4-13 11:48
Thank you, Donnie.

It didn't work. I spoke with tech and ended up having to send it in.

Did you follow my directions 100%    Did  it not load ?  Make sure you formatted the Thumb drive  and it was the only file on there. You must make sure the  Aircraft is updated as well or my file wont work.  What version do you have on the Aircraft for sure ?

I have only had 1 in 50 loads of mine not work.  The Transmitter was defective for sure.  Let me know.

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aspelhaug@gmail Posted at 2016-4-14 07:27
Thank you Donnie. I had updated my RC through the app but that didn't work. Used your link and succe ...

Great news , so happy it worked for you.

Cheers- donnie
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You OK  Mr. Ken....

Cheers - donnie
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Ok i might need help on this one, I did everything you wrote but my RC shut off mid( i guess) updating
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