Warranty question
1628 4 2016-4-6
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Flight distance : 106946 ft

If your motor quits mid flight and your craft explodes on the ground below what will DJI do do they cover it is there a fligjt log that can be looked at ? Just curious do not have one but planning on buying one just deciding between the inspire 1 and s900

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United States

I don't think anyone would accuse me of being a spin doctor for DJI however in complete fairness, ironically my expectation from them, I must report they probably pay more warranty claims than they are truly responsible for. Now that said I wouldn't want you to allow that statement to cloud reality so I'll add that if a situation were to arise necessitating a claim be sure that you will be on hold longer than you should, your contacts won't be returned when you expect them, you may not get the correct information the first time or regularly, you won't be told everything the firmware updates are changing or have any choice in that equation, features promised won't be available in the time frame expected, some features promised may never be available, some features you have when you purchased will be removed whether you like it or not, and finally you will more often than not end up shaking your head at something on a fairly regular bases. Now don't allow this to dissuade you from your purchase as they are only able to function in this manner because they offer products that are of great interest to many that no one else is offering an alternative to. If it was perpetually dark, you had to have light,  and all you had was your money and a match you could produce a brief but satisfying light by burning your money. However one also can't say it's a great idea.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3517287 ft
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United States

  The Inspire 1 logs at the Remote Controller, within the DJI GO App to the mobile device, and also on the aircraft in the form of a flight data recorder log.

The DJI Warranty information is located -> (Warranty Information Here) Sorry, these two links are not working. Select Warranty Service from this link...

And the component Warrant Period is located ->  (Component Warranty Priod is Here) Sorry, these two links are not working. Select Warranty Period from this link...

With the Inspire, you may also wish to supplement the manufacturer's warranty with the DJI Care Protection Plan, supplemental insurance that can be purchased -> (DJI Care Protection Plan can be purchased Here)
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Flight distance : 83130 ft
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United States

njabinc Posted at 2016-4-6 15:31
I don't think anyone would accuse me of being a spin doctor for DJI however in complete fairness, ir ...

Well said. I agree with this.
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DJI team

Hong Kong

Absolutely right. Terry!  Great job!
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